Crafty Carper  |  Crafty Carper March 2016
In this great issue of Crafty, there is something for everyone. Dave Lane tells you why Zigs will catch you more, and Tom Maker reveals how to up your game on day ticket waters. Tie Julian Cundiff's favourite pop-up rig; get the best out of a pint of maggots with Darren Belton; and Roy Allen looks at PVA, the best edge ever for carp fishing. Want to give your baits more pulling power? Read what Ellis Brazier adds to his stick mix to make it irresistible. You can also find out why spooling up with braid as a reel line could be just the thing to bank a bonus fish. We have three great competitions that offer you the chance to win some great prizes from Cygnet, Nash, and Stillwater, so don't miss out.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Crafty Carper Crafty Carper March 2016.