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Digital SLR Photography Magazine August 2016 Edizione posteriore

16 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
This month’s main technique guide deals with shooting outdoors, but rather than landscapes, wildlife or nature, we’re looking at capturing portraits in daylight. Using ambient light without any artificial light sources like flashguns or portable studio flash is challenging, yet highly rewarding. In our Beginner’s Guide inside, we’ve provide everything you need to know on how to use daylight in its many forms to capture stunning portraits. It’s just one of the many articles that aims to raise your enthusiasm for taking pictures as well as improve the quality of your results. So whether you’re shooting wildflowers, architecture, HDR landscapes or classic British beach scenes, we’ve expert advice for you.
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Digital SLR Photography

August 2016 This month’s main technique guide deals with shooting outdoors, but rather than landscapes, wildlife or nature, we’re looking at capturing portraits in daylight. Using ambient light without any artificial light sources like flashguns or portable studio flash is challenging, yet highly rewarding. In our Beginner’s Guide inside, we’ve provide everything you need to know on how to use daylight in its many forms to capture stunning portraits. It’s just one of the many articles that aims to raise your enthusiasm for taking pictures as well as improve the quality of your results. So whether you’re shooting wildflowers, architecture, HDR landscapes or classic British beach scenes, we’ve expert advice for you.

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Issue Cover

Digital SLR Photography  |  August 2016  

This month’s main technique guide deals with shooting outdoors, but rather than landscapes, wildlife or nature, we’re looking at capturing portraits in daylight. Using ambient light without any artificial light sources like flashguns or portable studio flash is challenging, yet highly rewarding. In our Beginner’s Guide inside, we’ve provide everything you need to know on how to use daylight in its many forms to capture stunning portraits. It’s just one of the many articles that aims to raise your enthusiasm for taking pictures as well as improve the quality of your results. So whether you’re shooting wildflowers, architecture, HDR landscapes or classic British beach scenes, we’ve expert advice for you.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

After having a major revamp of its content with exciting new monthly features, Digital SLR Photography Magazine proves to be the most relevant photography magazine for all abilities. This magazine gives you a deep and new insight into:

  • NEW! ‘Location Guide’ - highlighting a new beautifully photogenic spot every month, with a useful map, directions and even tips on where the best spots are to shoot. An absolute gem of a feature for beginners and professional photographers wanting to inspire and explore new ways of shooting.

  • Kit Reviews - ranging from affordable to professional prime kit, allowing you to compare a wide range of photography kit available and accessible to all.

  • Photo Skills - learn a new skill every month with this feature, allowing you to test out new skills available to anyone with a camera.

  • Pro Insight - discover what’s behind the master’s of photography with interviews from the world’s most famous and influential pro photographers. Warning, this will give you major kit envy!

You’ll be itching to get out and explore your photography techniques. Begin to see your confidence and creativity flow within your photographs with a Digital SLR Photography magazine.

“Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I can’t recommend this magazine enough, there honestly isn’t a page I didn’t read. I took it on holiday to Tenerife where I engrossed myself in it to the point where my 11-year-old said: “dad, are you still reading that!” - Steve Magennis, SLR Coach and Professional Photographer

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  • Inspirational photography location guide
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Basato su 16 Recensioni dei clienti
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Digital SLR User this is for you

If you want to stay up with techniques and ideas, plus latest cameras and equiptment this is the mag for you. Recensito 01 ottobre 2018

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