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European Trainer Magazine - horse racing July-September 2022 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Equestrian)
Only €4,99
Karl Burke – TopSpec Trainer of the Quarter

Michael O’Callaghan – Daragh Ó Conchúir profiles one of Ireland’s up and coming young trainers, Michael O’Callaghan and discovers his preference for buying horses at the breeze-up sales.

Electrolyte balance– Dr Catherine Dunnett explains why electrolytes are essential components of the racehorse’s diet as they are vital to the proper functioning of the body’s basic physiological processes.

Juvenile jumpers – Lissa Oliver asks if there is a place in Britain and Ireland for a juvenile hurdle programme.

Clean water – Water is the number-one nutrient fed to any animal and it is often overlooked both in nutrient programmes and in the diagnosis of health issues resulting from poor performance of racehorses. Alan Crieghton shares some practical advice as to what trainers should be doing to improve the water quality in their yards.

Does jockey gender make a difference? – Charlotte Schrurs and David S Gardner from The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, report on their study to objectively access whether the the sex of the jockey has an influence on any aspect of racehorse physiology and performance.

Breeding business – Alysen Miller talks to three leading independent stallion masters on three continents about the economics of standing stallions and the importance of supporting small breeders who are the backbone of the breeding industry.

News from the EMHF – Dr Paull Khan looks at racing in Belgium, the creation of the EMHF Pony Racing Association and reports from the 2022 EMHF General Assembly.

The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures 2022 – Camilla Scott reports from the 6th Annual Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures which this year focused on Thoroughbred Reproductive Efficiency.

200 years of racing in Germany – Lissa Oliver charts the history of the oldest organised sport in Germany.
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European Trainer Magazine - horse racing

July-September 2022 Karl Burke – TopSpec Trainer of the Quarter Michael O’Callaghan – Daragh Ó Conchúir profiles one of Ireland’s up and coming young trainers, Michael O’Callaghan and discovers his preference for buying horses at the breeze-up sales. Electrolyte balance– Dr Catherine Dunnett explains why electrolytes are essential components of the racehorse’s diet as they are vital to the proper functioning of the body’s basic physiological processes. Juvenile jumpers – Lissa Oliver asks if there is a place in Britain and Ireland for a juvenile hurdle programme. Clean water – Water is the number-one nutrient fed to any animal and it is often overlooked both in nutrient programmes and in the diagnosis of health issues resulting from poor performance of racehorses. Alan Crieghton shares some practical advice as to what trainers should be doing to improve the water quality in their yards. Does jockey gender make a difference? – Charlotte Schrurs and David S Gardner from The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, report on their study to objectively access whether the the sex of the jockey has an influence on any aspect of racehorse physiology and performance. Breeding business – Alysen Miller talks to three leading independent stallion masters on three continents about the economics of standing stallions and the importance of supporting small breeders who are the backbone of the breeding industry. News from the EMHF – Dr Paull Khan looks at racing in Belgium, the creation of the EMHF Pony Racing Association and reports from the 2022 EMHF General Assembly. The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures 2022 – Camilla Scott reports from the 6th Annual Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures which this year focused on Thoroughbred Reproductive Efficiency. 200 years of racing in Germany – Lissa Oliver charts the history of the oldest organised sport in Germany.

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Issue Cover

European Trainer Magazine - horse racing  |  July-September 2022  

Karl Burke – TopSpec Trainer of the Quarter

Michael O’Callaghan – Daragh Ó Conchúir profiles one of Ireland’s up and coming young trainers, Michael O’Callaghan and discovers his preference for buying horses at the breeze-up sales.

Electrolyte balance– Dr Catherine Dunnett explains why electrolytes are essential components of the racehorse’s diet as they are vital to the proper functioning of the body’s basic physiological processes.

Juvenile jumpers – Lissa Oliver asks if there is a place in Britain and Ireland for a juvenile hurdle programme.

Clean water – Water is the number-one nutrient fed to any animal and it is often overlooked both in nutrient programmes and in the diagnosis of health issues resulting from poor performance of racehorses. Alan Crieghton shares some practical advice as to what trainers should be doing to improve the water quality in their yards.

Does jockey gender make a difference? – Charlotte Schrurs and David S Gardner from The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, report on their study to objectively access whether the the sex of the jockey has an influence on any aspect of racehorse physiology and performance.

Breeding business – Alysen Miller talks to three leading independent stallion masters on three continents about the economics of standing stallions and the importance of supporting small breeders who are the backbone of the breeding industry.

News from the EMHF – Dr Paull Khan looks at racing in Belgium, the creation of the EMHF Pony Racing Association and reports from the 2022 EMHF General Assembly.

The Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures 2022 – Camilla Scott reports from the 6th Annual Gerald Leigh Memorial Lectures which this year focused on Thoroughbred Reproductive Efficiency.

200 years of racing in Germany – Lissa Oliver charts the history of the oldest organised sport in Germany.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
European Trainer magazine, is the quarterly magazine for the training and development of the thoroughbred racehorse. The magazine covers profiles on leading racehorse trainers and covers subjects including; welfare, training, nutrition and the racing business. As well as containing an indexes for all major forthcoming stakes races around the world.

The magazine covers all the latest and innovative developments within the horse racing industry and is a must read publication for anyone serious about sport horse training. The magazine features both leading writers and top photographers.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Based in Europe Recensito 25 luglio 2019

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