f2 Cameracraft  |  June 2011 Vol 5 No 4
Inside this issue: In The f2 PROFILE this issue, we talk to UK-born, New York based, fashion and commercial photographer Chris Craymer. STARTING OUT meanwhile is Pip, aged 22, talented, already represented by Shoot and on his way to success in the ever tough world of music photography. TURNING PRO this month is Enrique Sanguino who has carved his highly specialised niche supplying London-based estate agents, and their demanding clients, with exactly what they require. In THE BUSINESS section Miranda Gavin gets the lowdown on assisting, from photographers and assistants Emilie Bailey, Dean Chalkley, Alexander Kent, Jonathan Minster, Kelvin Murray and Alexander Steiner. In Not Just a Pretty Picture long time Alamy user David Kilpatrick offers an update on the current state of play with internationally known online photo library, and finds that all is not as it seems. Also in The Business section highly successful Warwickshire-based social photographer Clare Louise believes integrity is a key element of succesful freelancing. Aaduki Multimedia’s Nik Stewert talks us through the necessity of taking out legal expenses insurance
In the Technical section: Ricoh GXR: All Things To All People?
Richard Kilpatrick checks out the multi-modular Ricoh GXR compact camera system Digital Medium Format Part 2 Richard Kilpatrick looks at the Pentx 645D, and draws some conclusions about medium format digital options
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