Former British Prime Minister Sir John Major is set to visit Boston, Massachusetts, in April 2020 to mark the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower landing in New England and the 175th anniversary of the world’s oldest and largest genealogical society, New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS/American Ancestors) at
Sir John (pictured) will receive the NEHGS Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Public Service. The arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620 sparked the first waves of major English settlement in New England, and the Mayflower Compact signed is regarded as a key inspiration in shaping American democratic ideals. As many as 10 million Americans and 35 million or more people worldwide are believed to be Pilgrim descendants. Brenton Simons, President and CEO of American Ancestors and NEHGS, said: ‘This is truly an international event, and Sir John’s participation highlights the many important historical, cultural, and political bonds between the United Kingdom and the United States over four centuries.’
The US, UK, the Netherlands and the Wampanoag Nation have united to create commemorations for Mayflower 400. Plans include providing the largest online portal for Mayflower genealogical research ever created with the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and FamilySearch.
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