The GX sports electronic Showa suspension is a first for Suzuki. Formally known as Suzuki advanced electronic suspension (SAES), the technology is reactive in nature, altering in milliseconds to suit the road conditions. SAD (soft), MAD (medium) and HAD (hard) offer three different levels of pre-determined firmness to the damping characteristics, but the pogos can be altered further by the user menu, allowing for the addition of one to three levels of damping stiffness. Being long-legged, with 150mm of travel both front and rear, that extra support is a blessing, and the same should be said of the system’s auto-preload adjustment of the rear shock. Simply plonk yourself on the bike, with your shopping and maybe even a pillion for good measure, and the preload will be adjusted accordingly to suit the load. There’s also the option to override to the auto function, dialling the shock preload between a single rider, rider plus luggage, and rider plus a pillion.
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