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Film and Digital Times Magazine Alexa 65 Special Issue #65 Edizione speciale

10 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
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65mm Rebooted. ALEXA 65 is a new, large format 65mm digital motion picture camera from ARRI. Imagine an ALEXA (35mm) camera with a sensor that is 3 times larger. It has a familiar ALEXA body style, about the same size and weight, a little bit wider, with a digital 65mm format sensor. And new 65mm lenses. Here is the Film and Digital Times 36-page special report printed only at Cinec, and now available here are a complimentary online iPad edition.
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Film and Digital Times

Alexa 65 Special Issue #65 65mm Rebooted. ALEXA 65 is a new, large format 65mm digital motion picture camera from ARRI. Imagine an ALEXA (35mm) camera with a sensor that is 3 times larger. It has a familiar ALEXA body style, about the same size and weight, a little bit wider, with a digital 65mm format sensor. And new 65mm lenses. Here is the Film and Digital Times 36-page special report printed only at Cinec, and now available here are a complimentary online iPad edition.

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Numero speciale digitale Alexa 65 Special Issue #65
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Issue Cover

Film and Digital Times  |  Alexa 65 Special Issue #65  

65mm Rebooted. ALEXA 65 is a new, large format 65mm digital motion picture camera from ARRI. Imagine an ALEXA (35mm) camera with a sensor that is 3 times larger. It has a familiar ALEXA body style, about the same size and weight, a little bit wider, with a digital 65mm format sensor. And new 65mm lenses. Here is the Film and Digital Times 36-page special report printed only at Cinec, and now available here are a complimentary online iPad edition.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Jon Fauer’s Film and Digital Times published on paper, online and on iPad roughly every two months. Depending on events, introductions and technological breakthroughs, we sometimes combine issues into larger editions. Join us for the adventure and subscribe online. We talk about products and procedures in practical production—here’s the job at hand: how do we use tools and techniques to get the results we want?

Film and Digital Times is an inside-the-industry look at the nuts and bolts of high-end production: how-to and how not to, technique and technology, style and strategies, tips and trends for Cinematographers, Directors, Producers, Rental Houses, Manufacturers, Camera Assistants, Camera Operators, Photographers, Videographers, Gaffers, Grips, Students, and Faculty.

About Jon Fauer

Jon Fauer, ASC is an award-winning cinematographer and director who has written 12 bestselling books, famous for their user-friendly way of explaining things as if you’re right there on location with him.

Over 120,000 of his books on cameras, cinematography, film and digital video have been printed. Think of this bimonthly Journal as Fauer’s next book — arriving a year early, with up-to-the minute information brought to you in episodic format.

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Basato su 10 Recensioni dei clienti
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