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Freshwater Fishing Australia Magazine FWF 172 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Only €5,99
In this issue, #172 of Freshwater Fishing Australia Magazine, Snags and lure loss are part and parcel of all forms of fishing. Andy McGovern outlines some tried and true techniques to reduce snags and get more bites when targeting Murray cod. Jerk baiting for barra is not new, but it is a tactic you simply must have in your arsenal explains Colby. It’s no secret that there’s one freshwater fish we all want to catch, a Murray cod. Lachlan Bidstrup explains. There are a few sights in fishing more amazing than seeing a large Murray cod crunch a surface lure, Lubin Pfeiffer explains. Trevor Hawkins explains how to mend your cast to present a streamer fly broadside on to a holding trout. AFN pro staff reviews the born-again trout lakes of Victoria’s central highlands area. Craig Coltman offers a comprehensive overview on catching trout on fly from a boat. ‘We usually use repeated missed strikes, poor hookups or prolonged fishless stretches as catalysts to switch to a softer presentation.’
Read all of the above and far more, including the latest gear, reviews and in-depth columns in this latest issue.
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Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF 172 In this issue, #172 of Freshwater Fishing Australia Magazine, Snags and lure loss are part and parcel of all forms of fishing. Andy McGovern outlines some tried and true techniques to reduce snags and get more bites when targeting Murray cod. Jerk baiting for barra is not new, but it is a tactic you simply must have in your arsenal explains Colby. It’s no secret that there’s one freshwater fish we all want to catch, a Murray cod. Lachlan Bidstrup explains. There are a few sights in fishing more amazing than seeing a large Murray cod crunch a surface lure, Lubin Pfeiffer explains. Trevor Hawkins explains how to mend your cast to present a streamer fly broadside on to a holding trout. AFN pro staff reviews the born-again trout lakes of Victoria’s central highlands area. Craig Coltman offers a comprehensive overview on catching trout on fly from a boat. ‘We usually use repeated missed strikes, poor hookups or prolonged fishless stretches as catalysts to switch to a softer presentation.’ Read all of the above and far more, including the latest gear, reviews and in-depth columns in this latest issue.

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Issue Cover

Freshwater Fishing Australia  |  FWF 172  

In this issue, #172 of Freshwater Fishing Australia Magazine, Snags and lure loss are part and parcel of all forms of fishing. Andy McGovern outlines some tried and true techniques to reduce snags and get more bites when targeting Murray cod. Jerk baiting for barra is not new, but it is a tactic you simply must have in your arsenal explains Colby. It’s no secret that there’s one freshwater fish we all want to catch, a Murray cod. Lachlan Bidstrup explains. There are a few sights in fishing more amazing than seeing a large Murray cod crunch a surface lure, Lubin Pfeiffer explains. Trevor Hawkins explains how to mend your cast to present a streamer fly broadside on to a holding trout. AFN pro staff reviews the born-again trout lakes of Victoria’s central highlands area. Craig Coltman offers a comprehensive overview on catching trout on fly from a boat. ‘We usually use repeated missed strikes, poor hookups or prolonged fishless stretches as catalysts to switch to a softer presentation.’
Read all of the above and far more, including the latest gear, reviews and in-depth columns in this latest issue.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Freshwater Fishing Australia magazine was first published over 24 years ago and is an institution for many of our country’s freshwater anglers. It is one of the longest running fishing magazines in the country. For two decades, the country’s leading fishing journalists have been providing the best information for our anglers. The quality of the publication has resulted in many local anglers retaining every copy of the magazine ever published. Freshwater Fishing continues to hold the trophy of the country’s most popular freshwater only publication.
Every two months Freshwater Fishing Australia’s team of expert writers update you on what’s working and where to fish. All techniques from fly fishing for trout through baitfishing for goldens to casting soft plastic for barra – and every variation between. The magazine’s popularity and strength is its concentration on providing information that fishers can apply to improve their success rate in a way that all readers can understand. All of the well-known and respected fishing writers have contributed to this magazine at some time in its history. Current experts who are regular contributors include Bill Classon, Greg French, Rod Harrison, Trevor Hawkins, Rod Mackenzie, Andrew McGovern, Frank Prokop, Steve Starling, Nigel Webster and Philip Weigall

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Freshwater Fishing Australia FWF 172 FWF 172 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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