25 years on, reflecting on my involvement in GCN, I wince at the things we did and got away with, but also am very fond of those times working the Hirschfeld Centre, a building that should have been condemned due to a fire five years previously. Working with a group of talented and committed people being paid little or nothing who were also finding their way in the world, a world where it was not easy to be out at work or to your family.
Richie Prenderville, Editor of GCN 1992-1994
I was 23 and had very little (i.e. no) journalism experience, having worked previously in community development, youth work and politics. I applied for the job to edit GCN and didn’t get it (thankfully), and was asked to work on the FÁS CE Scheme. I was also getting involved in GLEN and became co-chairperson shortly afterwards, and this meant that I could access information easily for GCN on the campaign for decriminalisation – a conflict of interest that would surely not be possible or acceptable in today’s world.
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