Brazil is going through one of the worst crises in its history since the civil-military coup and the establishment of dictatorship in 1964. On October 28, in the second round of the Presidential election, Jair Bolsonaro, a Brazilian politician and retired military officer obtained a dramatic 55 percent of the total votes against Fernando Haddad’s 44 percent to become the new Presidentelect of Brazil.
But how did it reach that point? Before that momentous occurrence, Bolsonaro served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro since 1991. During those 27 years in congress, he was a mostly marginal figure who made occasional headlines with his extreme views on the LGBT+ community, minorities and women.
The outsider congressman represented the tiny Social Liberal Party, (which is very controversial since he is not social or liberal, he is actually the total opposite). He managed to win widespread support by promising to lock up crooked politicians and make it easier for police to shoot criminals, for as he stated: “A good criminal is a dead criminal”.
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