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Haunted Magazine Issue #003 Edizione posteriore

13 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Only €1,19
Well here it is - Issue 3 of the world's only online digital magazine that takes a fun and fresh look at all things scary, spooky and ghostly blending both the paranormal and horror worlds fusing them to become one. Priced at just £1.99, no other magazine can match us for quality and quantity. We've got them all - zombies, vampires, ghosts, monsters and aliens all feature in the magazine and they rub shoulders with celebrity interviews, film reviews, historical features on legends of old. We even have our first world exclusive - interviews with the cast of brand new ITV2 comedy drama "Switch", the amazing Soska Sisters who wowed Film4 Frightfest with their second feature "American Mary" and plethora of interviews from some amazing people.

There is something for everyone, your very own slice of paranormal pie with a good old dollop of horror thrown in for good measure.

Buy it, ENJOY IT and thanks for your support!
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Haunted Magazine

Issue #003 Well here it is - Issue 3 of the world's only online digital magazine that takes a fun and fresh look at all things scary, spooky and ghostly blending both the paranormal and horror worlds fusing them to become one. Priced at just £1.99, no other magazine can match us for quality and quantity. We've got them all - zombies, vampires, ghosts, monsters and aliens all feature in the magazine and they rub shoulders with celebrity interviews, film reviews, historical features on legends of old. We even have our first world exclusive - interviews with the cast of brand new ITV2 comedy drama "Switch", the amazing Soska Sisters who wowed Film4 Frightfest with their second feature "American Mary" and plethora of interviews from some amazing people. There is something for everyone, your very own slice of paranormal pie with a good old dollop of horror thrown in for good measure. Buy it, ENJOY IT and thanks for your support!

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Issue Cover

Haunted Magazine  |  Issue #003  

Well here it is - Issue 3 of the world's only online digital magazine that takes a fun and fresh look at all things scary, spooky and ghostly blending both the paranormal and horror worlds fusing them to become one. Priced at just £1.99, no other magazine can match us for quality and quantity. We've got them all - zombies, vampires, ghosts, monsters and aliens all feature in the magazine and they rub shoulders with celebrity interviews, film reviews, historical features on legends of old. We even have our first world exclusive - interviews with the cast of brand new ITV2 comedy drama "Switch", the amazing Soska Sisters who wowed Film4 Frightfest with their second feature "American Mary" and plethora of interviews from some amazing people.

There is something for everyone, your very own slice of paranormal pie with a good old dollop of horror thrown in for good measure.

Buy it, ENJOY IT and thanks for your support!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Haunted Magazine is the definitive paranormal magazine that takes a fun, fresh, informative, interesting, innovative and entertaining look at all things spooky and ghostly. Featuring ghost stories and haunted locations from all over the world interspersed with dark, scary features from an array of diverse and eclectic writing talent. If you want wall-to-wall mediums, love and light, sloppy ploppy paranormal then this is NOT the magazine for you. If you want full on ghost stories of haunted locations, scary stories of the macabre and something that can give you that paranormal twist then Haunted Magazine is the magazine for you.

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Basato su 13 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Haunted Magazine

love it..
Recensito 02 giugno 2020

Love this mag - always some new hauntings to explore

Love this mag - always some new hauntings to explore - try the free sample issues you will become as hooked as me. Recensito 03 marzo 2019

Simply THE Best

What an amazing magazine, where have you been hiding?

Cracking features, subtle humour infused with the scary past of haunted locations. Designed beautifully, which is a blessing in this day and age. You either get awesome editorial OR fantastic design, this magazine gives you both.
Recensito 06 agosto 2016

WOW!! What a fantastic magazine

This magazine, is without doubt, the best paranormal magazine that I have ever had the pleasure of reading, over 130 pages that are just a joy to read and the way they approach the paranormal is unlike no other - very impressed - well done to the people who produce this!! Recensito 18 giugno 2013

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