History Scotland  |  September-October 2012
The September/October issue of History Scotland has in-depth features covering a wide range of Scotland's history and archaeology – from the battlefields of the Scottish Highlands in the 18th century to the Russian convoys of World War Two.
The career of Aberdeen-born commission agent Alexander Collie who ran a steamer ship venture which successfully breached the Civil War blockades
We conclude our three-part series on the history of Red Clydeside with a look at the post 1919 political landscape.
Our feature on the Highland Targe focuses on the associations between the Targe (or shield) and Highland battles during the 18th century.
We also study the anti-slavery movement in 19th-century Aberdeen and learn about the role of the Russian convoys which sailed from Loch Ewe during World War Two.
Our news section has all the latest history and archaeology news from across Scotland, including a new Mary Queen of Scots exhibition planned for 2013, a project to portray 2,000 years of Scottish history through needlework and a preview of Scottish Archaeology Month.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in History Scotland September-October 2012.