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How It Works Magazine Issue 185 Edizione posteriore

48 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Kids)
Only €4,99
From secret underground structures to the science behind our senses, explore the wonders of stardust, VR battlefield training, spider senses, and more. Discover the fascinating stories behind how Pacific Islanders conquered the ocean and why chocolate is so addictive.
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How It Works

Issue 185 From secret underground structures to the science behind our senses, explore the wonders of stardust, VR battlefield training, spider senses, and more. Discover the fascinating stories behind how Pacific Islanders conquered the ocean and why chocolate is so addictive.

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Issue Cover

How It Works  |  Issue 185  

From secret underground structures to the science behind our senses, explore the wonders of stardust, VR battlefield training, spider senses, and more. Discover the fascinating stories behind how Pacific Islanders conquered the ocean and why chocolate is so addictive.
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How It Works Magazine gets to the root of how and why the world around us works in the way it does. You can be prepared to learn something exciting and new in every single issue - enough to fascinate your friends with breathtaking knowledge! Equally exciting for both inquisitive youngsters and adults alike, How It Works magazine teaches you about the world in which you’re living, in the most fun and exciting way possible!

You won’t believe how incredible our planet is, but How It Works magazine has plenty to convince you on, in every single issue. Enjoy interesting features such as taking apart common objects to see what makes them tick, virtual trips into outer space and features that delve into the world as it was 1000s of years ago. Breaking even the most complex of topics down into sizeable chunks that are easy and interesting to understand, prepare to be talking about the content for days. Each issue is full of facts, trivia, easy-to-follow diagrams and truly stunning photography. Plus, enjoy insightful features on transport, the environment, space, history and much more!  

Feed your mind with a monthly subscription to How It Works magazine and learn something new on every single page.

  • Complex topics are broken down into interesting and easy to understand chunks
  • Trivia, fun facts and diagrams in every issue
  • A plethora of topics covering our entire world: history, animals, space, nature, technology and science
  • Learn something fascinating and new in every single issue
  • Perfect for younger inquisitive readers who are fascinated by the world around them

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Basato su 48 Recensioni dei clienti
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How It Works

One word, excellent Recensito 12 gennaio 2021

How It Works

The illustrations are excellent, the topics are topical and well written Recensito 17 maggio 2020

How It Works

:D Recensito 20 marzo 2020

Extremely interesting

One of the best tech magazines out there Recensito 16 novembre 2019

One of the best

Always entertaining Recensito 26 luglio 2019

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