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iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat 106 September 2012 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Practical & Playing)
In this month’s jam-packed issue of Drummer, we hear from cover star Cassell The Beatmaker about his approach to the new smash-hit album from Plan B ‘Ill Manors’, as well as how he faithfully recreates the drum patterns featured on the album in their stunning live show. We also speak to Slayer-legend Dave Lombardo about his new side project Philm, which sees him adopting a different approach from the one he uses with the metal behemoths. ‘Professor’ Steve Smith joins us to celebrate 30 years of Vital Information and gives us the lowdown on the band’s new releases as well as explaining how preparation was key to his work with stunning pianist Hiromi, including how he approached learning grooves by the mighty Simon Phillips with whom he shares the gig. Elsewhere Ash’s sticksman Rick McMurray tells us all about life with the UK rockers, and how singing while playing can be a lot trickier than it would first appear. Also this issue we hear from Empire of Fools drummer Dean Stevens in our Riser feature, as well as spending time with Tom Hall from The Dirty Youth. We also have a special report from this years Montreal Jazz Festival, where stunning performances from drummers such as Cindy Blackman-Santana, Steve Gadd, Ronald Bruner Jr. and Brian Blade were the order of the week. Reviews-wise, this issue we take a look at Italian manufacturer MARK’s new electronic kit, some very interesting Cajons from Leiva, updated pedals courtesy of Pearl’s new Demon Chain Drive models, a host of Meinl cymbals, a stunning snare also from Pearl that promises to add a touch of ‘bling’ to your playing, as well as some new sticks from Murat Diril and Regal Tip respectively. We also have a completion to win a full compliment of cymbals worth £679.00 courtesy of Dream Cymbals to be won, accompanied by two tickets to this years London Drum Show to collect this special prize in person. All of this plus our usual mix of news, reviews, features and tuition.
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iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat

106 September 2012 In this month’s jam-packed issue of Drummer, we hear from cover star Cassell The Beatmaker about his approach to the new smash-hit album from Plan B ‘Ill Manors’, as well as how he faithfully recreates the drum patterns featured on the album in their stunning live show. We also speak to Slayer-legend Dave Lombardo about his new side project Philm, which sees him adopting a different approach from the one he uses with the metal behemoths. ‘Professor’ Steve Smith joins us to celebrate 30 years of Vital Information and gives us the lowdown on the band’s new releases as well as explaining how preparation was key to his work with stunning pianist Hiromi, including how he approached learning grooves by the mighty Simon Phillips with whom he shares the gig. Elsewhere Ash’s sticksman Rick McMurray tells us all about life with the UK rockers, and how singing while playing can be a lot trickier than it would first appear. Also this issue we hear from Empire of Fools drummer Dean Stevens in our Riser feature, as well as spending time with Tom Hall from The Dirty Youth. We also have a special report from this years Montreal Jazz Festival, where stunning performances from drummers such as Cindy Blackman-Santana, Steve Gadd, Ronald Bruner Jr. and Brian Blade were the order of the week. Reviews-wise, this issue we take a look at Italian manufacturer MARK’s new electronic kit, some very interesting Cajons from Leiva, updated pedals courtesy of Pearl’s new Demon Chain Drive models, a host of Meinl cymbals, a stunning snare also from Pearl that promises to add a touch of ‘bling’ to your playing, as well as some new sticks from Murat Diril and Regal Tip respectively. We also have a completion to win a full compliment of cymbals worth £679.00 courtesy of Dream Cymbals to be won, accompanied by two tickets to this years London Drum Show to collect this special prize in person. All of this plus our usual mix of news, reviews, features and tuition.

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Issue Cover

iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat  |  106 September 2012  

In this month’s jam-packed issue of Drummer, we hear from cover star Cassell The Beatmaker about his approach to the new smash-hit album from Plan B ‘Ill Manors’, as well as how he faithfully recreates the drum patterns featured on the album in their stunning live show. We also speak to Slayer-legend Dave Lombardo about his new side project Philm, which sees him adopting a different approach from the one he uses with the metal behemoths. ‘Professor’ Steve Smith joins us to celebrate 30 years of Vital Information and gives us the lowdown on the band’s new releases as well as explaining how preparation was key to his work with stunning pianist Hiromi, including how he approached learning grooves by the mighty Simon Phillips with whom he shares the gig. Elsewhere Ash’s sticksman Rick McMurray tells us all about life with the UK rockers, and how singing while playing can be a lot trickier than it would first appear. Also this issue we hear from Empire of Fools drummer Dean Stevens in our Riser feature, as well as spending time with Tom Hall from The Dirty Youth. We also have a special report from this years Montreal Jazz Festival, where stunning performances from drummers such as Cindy Blackman-Santana, Steve Gadd, Ronald Bruner Jr. and Brian Blade were the order of the week. Reviews-wise, this issue we take a look at Italian manufacturer MARK’s new electronic kit, some very interesting Cajons from Leiva, updated pedals courtesy of Pearl’s new Demon Chain Drive models, a host of Meinl cymbals, a stunning snare also from Pearl that promises to add a touch of ‘bling’ to your playing, as well as some new sticks from Murat Diril and Regal Tip respectively. We also have a completion to win a full compliment of cymbals worth £679.00 courtesy of Dream Cymbals to be won, accompanied by two tickets to this years London Drum Show to collect this special prize in person. All of this plus our usual mix of news, reviews, features and tuition.
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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Really entertaining for all those who enjoy drumming Recensito 16 luglio 2019

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