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Int. Cranes and Specialized Transp Magazine November 2015 Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
Being versatile while improving safety and productivity are just some of the demands for below the hook equipment. Laura Hatton finds out more.

As components get bigger and technology more advanced, a new generation of self propelled modular transporters has begun. Laura Hatton investigates.

Turkish crane and transport service provider Sistem Vinç is helping to construct a bridge over the Bay of İzmit in Turkey. Gökhan Uz, editor of IC sister magazine CPT, reports.

The main market for rough terrain cranes has shifted and manufacturers are introducing upgrades and new higher capacity models. Laura Hatton reports.

A 10 % decline in total combined sales for the world’s top 20 crane manufacturers over the previous year might not come as a huge surprise. Within that, however, there are still some bright spots. IC.

Aertssen Kranen and its subsidiary Roll-iT helped transport and install a reactor at the BP plant in Geel, Belgium. IC reports.

The fifth World Crane and Transport Summit was welcomed by more than 270 delegates as it opened its doors at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IC reports
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Int. Cranes and Specialized Transp

November 2015 BELOW THE HOOK Being versatile while improving safety and productivity are just some of the demands for below the hook equipment. Laura Hatton finds out more. SPMT As components get bigger and technology more advanced, a new generation of self propelled modular transporters has begun. Laura Hatton investigates. SITE REPORT Turkish crane and transport service provider Sistem Vinç is helping to construct a bridge over the Bay of İzmit in Turkey. Gökhan Uz, editor of IC sister magazine CPT, reports. ROUGH TERRAINS The main market for rough terrain cranes has shifted and manufacturers are introducing upgrades and new higher capacity models. Laura Hatton reports. ICM20 A 10 % decline in total combined sales for the world’s top 20 crane manufacturers over the previous year might not come as a huge surprise. Within that, however, there are still some bright spots. IC. SPMT SITE REPORT Aertssen Kranen and its subsidiary Roll-iT helped transport and install a reactor at the BP plant in Geel, Belgium. IC reports. WC&TS REVIEW The fifth World Crane and Transport Summit was welcomed by more than 270 delegates as it opened its doors at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IC reports

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Int. Cranes and Specialized Transp  |  November 2015  

Being versatile while improving safety and productivity are just some of the demands for below the hook equipment. Laura Hatton finds out more.

As components get bigger and technology more advanced, a new generation of self propelled modular transporters has begun. Laura Hatton investigates.

Turkish crane and transport service provider Sistem Vinç is helping to construct a bridge over the Bay of İzmit in Turkey. Gökhan Uz, editor of IC sister magazine CPT, reports.

The main market for rough terrain cranes has shifted and manufacturers are introducing upgrades and new higher capacity models. Laura Hatton reports.

A 10 % decline in total combined sales for the world’s top 20 crane manufacturers over the previous year might not come as a huge surprise. Within that, however, there are still some bright spots. IC.

Aertssen Kranen and its subsidiary Roll-iT helped transport and install a reactor at the BP plant in Geel, Belgium. IC reports.

The fifth World Crane and Transport Summit was welcomed by more than 270 delegates as it opened its doors at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IC reports
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