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International Construction Magazine May 2017 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
Financial results could spell the end for the electronics and construction giant Toshiba...UK government cancels an $8 billion nuclear decomissioning contract... Three consortiums have submitted proposals for an $8.2 billion rail project in Melbourne...

A rebound in commodity prices and stabilisation in China’s economic sector will help reive growth for sub-Saharan Africa. Over the next five years, the region’s construction outlook will be amongh the strongest.

The European construction equipment sector powers on in the face of political uncertainty, but not without some reservations. Thomas Allen reports.

Mike Hayes reports on how manufacturers of earthmoving equipment are trying to maximise power, productivity and uptime.

Even with their historic tendency to overrun, bust the budget and fail to deliver the promised return on investment, mega projects just keep getting bigger, as Mike Hayes reports.

Katherine Weir speaks with the companies who design Building Information Modelling (BIM) software for construction projects.

Emmanuel de Malstre talks to Mike Hayes about the future – and the now – of drones technology on construction sites.

The construction industry has a big carbon footprint. Th omas Allen looks at how companies are changing their approach with an eye to future sustainability.

European construction sales grew 10% last year, but the strength across much of northern and mid-Europe is to be offset by the weak (but improving) south.
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International Construction

May 2017 WORLD NEWS Financial results could spell the end for the electronics and construction giant Toshiba...UK government cancels an $8 billion nuclear decomissioning contract... Three consortiums have submitted proposals for an $8.2 billion rail project in Melbourne... ECONOMIC OUTLOOK A rebound in commodity prices and stabilisation in China’s economic sector will help reive growth for sub-Saharan Africa. Over the next five years, the region’s construction outlook will be amongh the strongest. REGIONAL REPORT The European construction equipment sector powers on in the face of political uncertainty, but not without some reservations. Thomas Allen reports. EARTHMOVING Mike Hayes reports on how manufacturers of earthmoving equipment are trying to maximise power, productivity and uptime. MEGA PROJECTS Even with their historic tendency to overrun, bust the budget and fail to deliver the promised return on investment, mega projects just keep getting bigger, as Mike Hayes reports. CONSTRUCTION TECH Katherine Weir speaks with the companies who design Building Information Modelling (BIM) software for construction projects. DRONES Emmanuel de Malstre talks to Mike Hayes about the future – and the now – of drones technology on construction sites. SUSTAINABLE BUILDING The construction industry has a big carbon footprint. Th omas Allen looks at how companies are changing their approach with an eye to future sustainability. OFF-HIGHWAY RESEARCH European construction sales grew 10% last year, but the strength across much of northern and mid-Europe is to be offset by the weak (but improving) south.

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Issue Cover

International Construction  |  May 2017  

Financial results could spell the end for the electronics and construction giant Toshiba...UK government cancels an $8 billion nuclear decomissioning contract... Three consortiums have submitted proposals for an $8.2 billion rail project in Melbourne...

A rebound in commodity prices and stabilisation in China’s economic sector will help reive growth for sub-Saharan Africa. Over the next five years, the region’s construction outlook will be amongh the strongest.

The European construction equipment sector powers on in the face of political uncertainty, but not without some reservations. Thomas Allen reports.

Mike Hayes reports on how manufacturers of earthmoving equipment are trying to maximise power, productivity and uptime.

Even with their historic tendency to overrun, bust the budget and fail to deliver the promised return on investment, mega projects just keep getting bigger, as Mike Hayes reports.

Katherine Weir speaks with the companies who design Building Information Modelling (BIM) software for construction projects.

Emmanuel de Malstre talks to Mike Hayes about the future – and the now – of drones technology on construction sites.

The construction industry has a big carbon footprint. Th omas Allen looks at how companies are changing their approach with an eye to future sustainability.

European construction sales grew 10% last year, but the strength across much of northern and mid-Europe is to be offset by the weak (but improving) south.
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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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