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General Interest

Iron Cross Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
62 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
From €9,00 per numero
Iron Cross is the UK’s only magazine of German military history from the First World War to the end of the Second World War.

Covering all aspects of German military history including the Imperial German forces of the Great War, the Weimar period and the Nazi period.

Iron Cross prides itself on the highest quality production with stunning content in the unique and ground-breaking features, often revealing untold stories and publishing photographs that have never been seen before.

Iron Cross features specially commissioned and innovative artwork in all issues.

Stunning content covering land, sea and air.
• Unique features from world-leading experts in their particular fields with rare or previously unseen images including many photographs in colour.
• Accounts from soldiers, sailors and airmen as well as featuring equipment, uniforms, badges, archaeology, militaria collecting and weapons.
• Articles on the Imperial German Air Service looking at fighters like the Albatros, Fokker D.VII and Triplane from the Red Baron period as well as trench warfare, Zeppelins and battleships and warships of the Imperial German Navy.
• Content on Panzers, U-Boats and fighter and bomber aircraft are covered and include all services: Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe.
• If your interest lies in Mauser rifles, Pickelhaube helmets, infantry or tank battles or Messerschmitt fighters and Junkers dive-bombers, U-Boats or Tiger tanks then you’ll find it all here!

No other magazine uniquely covers German military history like Iron Cross!
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Iron Cross

Issue 21 IN THIS ISSUE In issue 21 of Iron Cross Mark Hillier examines an astonishing piece of evidence uncovered in a newly discovered logbook that begs the question; were Captain William Drummond Matheson and his observer the first Allied airmen to force down the famous ‘Red Baron’? The D-Day landings are also explored, 80 years ago and contrary to popular belief, the Luftwaffe were present and active in limited numbers. However, the German pilots, aircrew and soldiers paid a terrible price. Also marked is the 80th anniversary of the V-weapon attacks on Britain. The Australian War Memorial’s Shane Casey gives us an in-depth study of the surviving V2 held by the AWM collection.

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Singolo numero digitale Issue 21
11,99 / issue
Annuale Abbonamento digitale €35,99 fatturati annualmente
€9,00 / edizione
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Issue Cover

Iron Cross  |  Issue 21  


In issue 21 of Iron Cross Mark Hillier examines an astonishing piece of evidence uncovered in a newly discovered logbook that begs the question; were Captain William Drummond Matheson and his observer the first Allied airmen to force down the famous ‘Red Baron’?

The D-Day landings are also explored, 80 years ago and contrary to popular belief, the Luftwaffe were present and active in limited numbers. However, the German pilots, aircrew and soldiers paid a terrible price. Also marked is the 80th anniversary of the V-weapon attacks on Britain. The Australian War Memorial’s Shane Casey gives us an in-depth study of the surviving V2 held by the AWM collection.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Iron Cross is the UK’s only magazine of German military history from the First World War to the end of the Second World War.

Covering all aspects of German military history including the Imperial German forces of the Great War, the Weimar period and the Nazi period.

Iron Cross prides itself on the highest quality production with stunning content in the unique and ground-breaking features, often revealing untold stories and publishing photographs that have never been seen before.

Iron Cross features specially commissioned and innovative artwork in all issues.

Stunning content covering land, sea and air.
• Unique features from world-leading experts in their particular fields with rare or previously unseen images including many photographs in colour.
• Accounts from soldiers, sailors and airmen as well as featuring equipment, uniforms, badges, archaeology, militaria collecting and weapons.
• Articles on the Imperial German Air Service looking at fighters like the Albatros, Fokker D.VII and Triplane from the Red Baron period as well as trench warfare, Zeppelins and battleships and warships of the Imperial German Navy.
• Content on Panzers, U-Boats and fighter and bomber aircraft are covered and include all services: Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe.
• If your interest lies in Mauser rifles, Pickelhaube helmets, infantry or tank battles or Messerschmitt fighters and Junkers dive-bombers, U-Boats or Tiger tanks then you’ll find it all here!

No other magazine uniquely covers German military history like Iron Cross!

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Riceverete 4 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Iron Cross abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 62 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Issue No. 8 entirely dedicated to the world's most famous fighter pilot. Production values are, just as in the previous issues, incredible! A+++ Recensito 12 aprile 2021

Out of this world.

This magazine is surely setting new standards. Excellent stuff! Need to get copies of the first three issues somewhere! Recensito 02 aprile 2021

Best military history magazine on the market

There is little I can say what hasn't been said before. Take a look at the other reviews.

An absolutely incredible product.
Recensito 25 novembre 2020

Best military magazine of its kind

Get a copy, see for yourself. This is the magazine I always wanted and now its available! Recensito 17 giugno 2020

The best of its kind

I have subscribed to the print version, but will now switch to digital as I am slowly drowning in an avalanche of books and magazines.

Iron Cross Magazine is, without doubt, the best military history publication out there. There are no space fillers, every single page is valuable and interesting. Its critical, entertaining, the production standards are outstanding, the contributors are top-notch, the cover art and colour plates are beautiful (all hand painted artworks - no cheap cgi).

Each single issue hits home with a weighty 132 pages - a book disguised as a magazine, and outstanding magazine.

Recensito 11 giugno 2020

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Iron Cross Issue 21.

Iron Cross Issue 20 Issue 20 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 19 Issue 19 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 18 Issue 18 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 17 Issue 17 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 16 Issue 16 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 15 Issue 15 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 14 Issue 14 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 13 Issue 13 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 12 Issue 12 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 11 Issue 11 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 10 Issue 10 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 9 Issue 9 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Iron Cross Issue 8 Issue 8 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
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