by Indy Lawyer
Their ambitions and their future bludgeoning of democracy, truth and decency would have been the stuff of horror tales
My first known sighting of a Union Jack was at the age of 5, in the Dundee Equitable shoe shop in Crieff - it adorned the cardboard box in which nestled invitingly and ever so trendily the heart’s desire of a P1 girl - a black shiny pair of British made Wards Golden Dollies. Dorothy herself with her sparkling scarlet heel clickers never knew such delight. Those creations were duly liberated to find their way into the wardrobe of our family caravan; in due course my teacher remarked with surprise that such wondrous artefacts tickled the tiny toes of one she had wrongly deemed underprivileged albeit clearly capable, loved and cherished. Those were not yet the days of inclusion, equality and pedagogical circumspection.
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