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Kayak Magazine April 2016 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Kids)
Only €3,49
The first Vikings came to Canada more than 1,000 years ago. Well, they weren’t really Vikings—they were Norsemen sailing from Iceland and Greenland. (Vikings were the ones who went raiding, mainly in Europe, stealing from and terrorizing people near the shores where they landed. The Norse were the people who farmed or built things instead of going on raids.) Read all about their lives and their distinctive ships and houses. The discovery of their settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows on the island of Newfoundland changed the world’s ideas about who were the first Europeans to see North America. Take our History Mystery challenge to see if you can decide which weekdays are named after Norse gods. There’s lots more, too—check out the April issue and discover the Norse for yourself!
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April 2016 The first Vikings came to Canada more than 1,000 years ago. Well, they weren’t really Vikings—they were Norsemen sailing from Iceland and Greenland. (Vikings were the ones who went raiding, mainly in Europe, stealing from and terrorizing people near the shores where they landed. The Norse were the people who farmed or built things instead of going on raids.) Read all about their lives and their distinctive ships and houses. The discovery of their settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows on the island of Newfoundland changed the world’s ideas about who were the first Europeans to see North America. Take our History Mystery challenge to see if you can decide which weekdays are named after Norse gods. There’s lots more, too—check out the April issue and discover the Norse for yourself!

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Issue Cover

Kayak  |  April 2016  

The first Vikings came to Canada more than 1,000 years ago. Well, they weren’t really Vikings—they were Norsemen sailing from Iceland and Greenland. (Vikings were the ones who went raiding, mainly in Europe, stealing from and terrorizing people near the shores where they landed. The Norse were the people who farmed or built things instead of going on raids.) Read all about their lives and their distinctive ships and houses. The discovery of their settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows on the island of Newfoundland changed the world’s ideas about who were the first Europeans to see North America. Take our History Mystery challenge to see if you can decide which weekdays are named after Norse gods. There’s lots more, too—check out the April issue and discover the Norse for yourself!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Brought to you by Canada’s History Society, Kayak magazine is designed to catch the imagination of 7- to 12-year-olds. Every issue introduces children to the who, what, when, where, why and how of Canada’s fascinating stories, and shows them our history in context with today’s world! Kayak takes your child to a past they will find engaging, relevant and fun.

Kayak bridges the gap between magazines that entertain and those that educate. Created by some of Canada’s leading designers, artists and storytellers, there’s no other history magazine like it available to Canadian families!

Canada's fascinating history is brought to life through beautifully illustrated feature stories, articles on contemporary Canadian celebrities, original comics, games, jokes and contests. Published four times a year.

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“This magazine is great for readers of all ages” – S. from Midland, Ontario, Canada
“A world class children's publication!” – O.M. from Australia
“This magazine was the best one I bought this year. My students loved it!” – Grade 6 teacher from Nova Scotia, Canada

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