We came across four fishermen in waist-deep water balancing on their poles. As they plucked fish from the water, I got some shots from the beach but realised I couldn’t capture the feeling I wanted. The current was quite strong and I didn’t have a waterproof camera but I decided to get in and try to shoot them from the water. It soon became clear why they use the poles as I tried to protect my camera from the waves swirling all around me. I managed to get a few nice shots off and made my way back to land without losing a camera. I had been trying to get as much in focus as possible. As the light was fading I had to use a slower shutter speed. In doing so, you risk the chance of the shots not being pin sharp but sometimes that can give your photos a nice feeling of depth and movement. Canon EOS 5D; 24-70 lens; f8; 1/60 sec; 100 ISO
SHOT OF THE MONTH Matt Munro’s image of stilt fishermen in Sri Lanka (p49)
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