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Tech & Gaming

GoPro The Complete Manual Magazine

2 numeri all'anno   |  English
2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gadgets)
From €6,00 per numero
Don’t be content to simply discover how to get the best from your GoPro but actually learn how to maintain and build upon the epic potential of your action camera! No matter how you use it; a spot of mountain climbing, surfing or just a stroll on the beach with the dog and want to capture the moment, the GoPro is an essential. They were developed to be small, lightweight, robust and able to go anywhere, even underwater. GoPros have been in development since 2002 and have become the popular must have camera for action and adventure. They can shoot stills and video, able to capture glorious 4K video at 60 frames per second as well as raw files! Learn how to use your GoPro to its very best, discover the new models, the evolution of the GoPro’s uses and so much more. Make sure you Learn everything you need to know about all key future updates to both the GoPro’s always changing software and also the exciting new hardware. To keep informed regarding core updates and hardware changes and continue to get the best from your device and the software that runs it, all at a discounted price, why not subscribe. Subscribe. Evolve. Improve. Learn. Understand! 100% unofficial.

An updated edition of this Complete Manual is released twice a year. An active subscription grants access to the updated edition when it is released.
GoPro  The Complete Manual Preview PagesGoPro  The Complete Manual Preview Pages

GoPro The Complete Manual

Winter 2024 NEW UPDATE! Discover the epic potential of your action camera! Do you fancy a spot of mountain climbing, surfing or just a stroll on the beach with the dog and want to capture the moment? If that’s the case, then the GoPro range of cameras is just what you need. They were developed to be small, lightweight, robust and able to go anywhere, even underwater. GoPros have been in development since 2002 and have become the popular must have camera for action and adventure. They can shoot stills and video, able to capture glorious 5.3K video at 60 frames per second as well as 27MP raw files! Learn how to use your GoPro to its very best.

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Issue Cover

GoPro The Complete Manual  |  Winter 2024  

NEW UPDATE! Discover the epic potential of your action camera! Do you fancy a spot of mountain climbing, surfing or just a stroll on the beach with the dog and want to capture the moment? If that’s the case, then the GoPro range of cameras is just what you need. They were developed to be small, lightweight, robust and able to go anywhere, even underwater. GoPros have been in development since 2002 and have become the popular must have camera for action and adventure. They can shoot stills and video, able to capture glorious 5.3K video at 60 frames per second as well as 27MP raw files! Learn how to use your GoPro to its very best.
GoPro  The Complete Manual Summer 2024 Summer 2024 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
GoPro  The Complete Manual Winter 2023 Winter 2023 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
GoPro  The Complete Manual Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
GoPro  The Complete Manual Winter 2022 Winter 2022 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
GoPro  The Complete Manual Autumn 2022 Autumn 2022 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
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