My Weekly  |  05/11/2022
My Weekly - Issue 5649
Back on our screens in the BBC’s popular singing contest, 'I Can See Your Voice', Amanda Holden reveals how her heart still lies in music, and we're getting to know Charlotte Church, as the one-time ‘voice of an angel’ talks about her new life connecting back to nature, and helping others do the same. It might not be toasty outside, but our travel pages are hot, hot, hot this week! Start planning your Christmas table today with our fab shopping ideas. Learning something new exercises our brains and makes us happier, say experts - so we've a few ideas to inspire you. And Fiction editor Susan has been busy! Read her picks from the top new book releases...
Plus we've more celebrities, recipes, fiction, features, beauty, fashions, health, and much more.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in My Weekly 05/11/2022.