CONGRATULATIONS to 34-year-old Neil Macrae of 36 Harbour Street, Plockton, who became chief officer on Caledonian MacBrayne's boat Finlaggan on January 11. The boat sails between Kennacraig and Islay. Manran entertained a large crowd at a dance, organised by the RNLI, in Kyle on December 28.
The New Year was celebrated in Plockton with a bonfire and fireworks. The event was attended by a large crowd of visitors and local residents. For the first time since the millennium, there was no dance in the village hall.
During December, Lochalsh residents were saddened by five deaths. In Kyle, Annabel Macleod and Andy and Annie Anderson died. In Dronie, John Macrae and Catherine Silvester died. Sympathy is expressed to relatives.
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