THREE students from Fort William, Alasdair Davidson, Jack Fraser and Matt Lingard, and Kati Michalek from Oban, have been shortlisted for Lantra, Scotland’s Land-based and Aquaculture Learner of the Year award.
Alasdair Davidson, 18, from Ardgour, is doing a Modern Apprenticeship SVQ Level 2 in Gamekeeping through North Highland College UHI, while working as an apprentice gamekeeper at Conaglen Estate. He is a well-respected student representative and takes an active role in course team meetings.
Jack Fraser, 22, from Caol is doing a Modern Apprenticeship SVQ Level 2 and 3 in Aquaculture through Inverness College UHI, while working as an assistant manager at Marine Harvest (Scotland) Limited in Fort William. He has also taken on an ambassadorial role, working with young people and promoting career opportunities in the aquaculture sector.
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