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Octane Magazine Jan-23 Edizione posteriore

27 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
60 years of the original pocket rocket

Lightest and brightest of the breed

One privateer’s quest to win in the desert

Italian road race in a 1936 2 Litre Speed
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Jan-23 MINI COOPER S 60 years of the original pocket rocket 1954 MASERATI A6 ZAGATO Lightest and brightest of the breed PARIS-DAKAR SPECIAL One privateer’s quest to win in the desert ASTON ON THE GP NUVOLARI Italian road race in a 1936 2 Litre Speed

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Issue Cover

Octane  |  Jan-23  

60 years of the original pocket rocket

Lightest and brightest of the breed

One privateer’s quest to win in the desert

Italian road race in a 1936 2 Litre Speed
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

First published in May 2003, Octane magazine achieved critical acclaim very early on and became established as the voice for the upper end of the car market. Octane magazine is now owned by Dennis Publishing and became the leading authority as a result of its detailed features on the automotive world - from Le Mans winning Bentleys to million pound powerhouse Ferraris.

Octane stands out from the crowd thanks to its personal contacts, it’s through these contacts that Octane has the ability to test the rarest and most valuable historic sports cars that aren’t publicly available let alone available to other motoring magazines.

Each month receive the latest news, exciting road tests and buyers guides for both classic cars and modern performance cars. Insight and access like this into these exquisite models are a rare opportunity for most car enthusiasts - allow Octane to give you the whole full-scale experience.

Octane is filled with exclusive and interesting content about the iconic world of classic cars, get a sneak preview into what you can look forward to with a digital subscription:

  • Best writers in the automotive market including motoring journalists, race car drivers, classic car experts and historians
  • Event coverage of automotive shows from around the globe along with a comprehensive diary of events around the world taking place
  • Unrivalled track tests: Test drives of the most revered and stunning classics
  • The most talented sporting photographers to capture the exclusive and exciting world of classic cars
  • In-depth history features about the greatest marques from Zagato to AC
  • Buying guides along with an ever-expanding classic car price guide

Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Octane abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 27 Recensioni dei clienti
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Best classic car magazine anywhere!. Recensito 09 settembre 2020

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