Pike & Predators  |  234
The May issue of Pike & Predators is available to download now!
Nev Fickling examines Dr Stuart McLanaghan’s campaign to do away with treble hooks, interviews Leighton McDonnell, and considers the options for hooking pike in a catch-and-release context. Jens Bursell concludes his two-part series on the benefits of smaller hooks, and Steve Rowley investigates whether Chew Valley Lake has changed the face of UK pike fishing forever. Paul Garner concludes his overview of echo sounders with a look at set-ups and settings. Daniel ‘Dalien’ Vignjevic talks zander, Mick Flanagan brings us the latest from Ireland, and we review last season’s mammoth pike.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Pike & Predators 234.