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Pole Fishing Plus Magazine Issue 1 Edizione posteriore

17 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
In issue one of Pole Fishing Plus, the reigning Fish ‘O’ Mania champion, Andy Geldart uncovers his three part plan to big commercial weights! Filmed at the picturesque and prolific Woodlands Fishery near Thirsk, Andy covers long pole fishing, short pole fishing and margin fishing in a tip packed 45 minute video.

From rigs and feeding, to tackle choices, and those all important little edges that make a big difference to your catch rate, this is a commercial fishing masterclass not to be missed!

In their monthly pole test, Matt Godfrey and Tom Scholey put the Garbolino Commercial Carp and Tri-Cast Venom Pro through their paces, giving them a thorough workout courtesy of Woodland’s prolific big carp population!

Plus, in his exclusive monthly diary, Lee Kerry talks us through a roadtrip with a difference as he travels to Ploermel in France to compete in the Rive Drennan Cup!

For all this and more, check out issue one of Pole Fishing Plus today!
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Pole Fishing Plus

Issue 1 In issue one of Pole Fishing Plus, the reigning Fish ‘O’ Mania champion, Andy Geldart uncovers his three part plan to big commercial weights! Filmed at the picturesque and prolific Woodlands Fishery near Thirsk, Andy covers long pole fishing, short pole fishing and margin fishing in a tip packed 45 minute video. From rigs and feeding, to tackle choices, and those all important little edges that make a big difference to your catch rate, this is a commercial fishing masterclass not to be missed! In their monthly pole test, Matt Godfrey and Tom Scholey put the Garbolino Commercial Carp and Tri-Cast Venom Pro through their paces, giving them a thorough workout courtesy of Woodland’s prolific big carp population! Plus, in his exclusive monthly diary, Lee Kerry talks us through a roadtrip with a difference as he travels to Ploermel in France to compete in the Rive Drennan Cup! For all this and more, check out issue one of Pole Fishing Plus today!

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Issue Cover

Pole Fishing Plus  |  Issue 1  

In issue one of Pole Fishing Plus, the reigning Fish ‘O’ Mania champion, Andy Geldart uncovers his three part plan to big commercial weights! Filmed at the picturesque and prolific Woodlands Fishery near Thirsk, Andy covers long pole fishing, short pole fishing and margin fishing in a tip packed 45 minute video.

From rigs and feeding, to tackle choices, and those all important little edges that make a big difference to your catch rate, this is a commercial fishing masterclass not to be missed!

In their monthly pole test, Matt Godfrey and Tom Scholey put the Garbolino Commercial Carp and Tri-Cast Venom Pro through their paces, giving them a thorough workout courtesy of Woodland’s prolific big carp population!

Plus, in his exclusive monthly diary, Lee Kerry talks us through a roadtrip with a difference as he travels to Ploermel in France to compete in the Rive Drennan Cup!

For all this and more, check out issue one of Pole Fishing Plus today!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Pole Fishing Plus is the video magazine exclusively for pole anglers! Put together by the team behind the top selling print publication Pole Fishing magazine, Pole Fishing Plus, includes a monthly High Definition video with a top pole angler, as well as a host of exclusive content in a 50+ page online magazine. Edited by Joe Carass, the publication prides itself on bringing you the latest tactics, techniques and methods from the world of pole fishing.

Our monthly video, filmed with one of the sports top names, lets you get inside the head of the very best in the business, uncovering tricks and tactics that are sure to catch you more fish! Plus, we have an exclusive monthly diary from England International, Lee Kerry. In this, he runs through his past months fishing, unveiling the edges, tricks and tips that have helped him succeed.

If you’re a pole angler, and want to improve your fishing, this really is a publication that you cant afford to miss!

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Basato su 17 Recensioni dei clienti
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