If you have a favourite photograph of one of your reptiles, amphibians or invertebrates which you’d like to see included in the magazine, then email practicalreptilekeeping@gmail.com Please include details about the subject, confirm anyone in the picture is happy for it to be published and that you took it. Here are some samples to show the type of photos that we’re looking for! Next month, the winner will receive an Earth-Pro Jelly Pot Gold kit, courtesy of Arcadia Reptile, worth £14.99. This will enable you to make up your own jellypots as you require them. These are very easy to prepare. You just measure out the powder with the measuring spoon, then mix it with hot water and wait for the jelly to set in the reusable pots. The ingredients contain no artificial colours or flavours, but very high quantities of whole fruits, honey, bee pollen, insects and plant matter. There are five different choices in the range, each with their own unique recipe, and you can buy replacements easily, making this system very costeffective.
Amazon tree frogs called Wallace and Gromit, taking a bath together. From Kirstie in Hatherleigh, Devon.
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