Prairies North Magazine  |  Winter 2001
Saskatchewan Pride: Learning About Our Province -- Saskatchewan Naturally Magazine spearheads a new project to build awareness and pride in our province among Grade Four school students; Our Towns: Borden -- Seeing Saskatchewan by bicycle led two intrepid travellers to a small but unforgettable community; Wilderness: The Waterfound River -- An easy canoe ride into the heart of Saskatchewan's wilderness, this laid-back river cuts through the heart of hotly contested mining country; Culture & History: A Long and Largely Forgotten History -- The migration and settlement of black peoples into Saskatchewan dates from the fur trade to the present day. There's a rush to gather and record that history before the people who remember disappear; Artifacts: New Views at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum -- This is an inside look at the newest exhibits from the RSM. Past and present come together to pose some interesting questions about the future.
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