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General Interest

Prospect Magazine

10 numeri all'anno   |  English
39 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Under editor Alan Rusbridger, Prospect is a cradle of ideas, reflective writing and thoughtful debate. If information today can feel like a cacophony, Prospect feels like a still voice of calm and a melting pot of ideas. Prospect is politically independent with writing that challenges you and lets you make up your own mind. As well as articles on the economy, politics, current affairs and society, Prospect magazine features diverse lifestyle and interest pieces on culture, science, philosophy and the arts.

What are the implications of cancel culture? Why was the West doomed to lose in Afghanistan? Is it time to waive Big Pharma patents? Is this the end of gender as we know it? Have your questions debated, explored and answered with a Prospect magazine subscription.

Sharpen your mind and get an informed view on current affairs with a Prospect magazine subscription today! Here’s what you can expect delivered to your door every month:

• The quiet, rational voice you need to make sense of a chaotic world
• Independent writing that challenges you but doesn’t tell you how to vote
• Rare access to thinkers that seek to find common ground rather than cancel each other
• A place where discerning and engaged readers can have their say

"Political writing for grown-ups, well beyond the party political playpen... Europe's outstanding political and cultural monthly"

Andrew Marr, BBC Presenter and Political Commentator

"Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand what's happening, rather than having their prejudices confirmed. Prospect has all the important debates."

Diane Coyle, economist
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Prospect Magazine

March 25 Nigel Farage’s insurgent populism is coming for Labour. Rafael Behr asks whether Starmer’s party can break out of its technocratic reserve and offer a new vision of what Britain could be. Charlotte Bailey explains how the dangers of asbestos were covered up—and thousands are still dying annually as a result. Neal Ascherson looks back on Angela Merkel’s legacy. David Aaronovitch reflects on Elon Musk’s obsession with “woke”. Plus, Eliane Brum is voted Top Thinker for 2025.

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Singolo numero digitale March 25
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Annuale Abbonamento digitale (include l'accesso all'archivio) €59,99 fatturati annualmente
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I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Prospect Magazine  |  March 25  

Nigel Farage’s insurgent populism is coming for Labour. Rafael Behr asks whether Starmer’s party can break out of its technocratic reserve and offer a new vision of what Britain could be. Charlotte Bailey explains how the dangers of asbestos were covered up—and thousands are still dying annually as a result. Neal Ascherson looks back on Angela Merkel’s legacy. David Aaronovitch reflects on Elon Musk’s obsession with “woke”. Plus, Eliane Brum is voted Top Thinker for 2025.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Under editor Alan Rusbridger, Prospect is a cradle of ideas, reflective writing and thoughtful debate. If information today can feel like a cacophony, Prospect feels like a still voice of calm and a melting pot of ideas. Prospect is politically independent with writing that challenges you and lets you make up your own mind. As well as articles on the economy, politics, current affairs and society, Prospect magazine features diverse lifestyle and interest pieces on culture, science, philosophy and the arts.

What are the implications of cancel culture? Why was the West doomed to lose in Afghanistan? Is it time to waive Big Pharma patents? Is this the end of gender as we know it? Have your questions debated, explored and answered with a Prospect magazine subscription.

Sharpen your mind and get an informed view on current affairs with a Prospect magazine subscription today! Here’s what you can expect delivered to your door every month:

• The quiet, rational voice you need to make sense of a chaotic world
• Independent writing that challenges you but doesn’t tell you how to vote
• Rare access to thinkers that seek to find common ground rather than cancel each other
• A place where discerning and engaged readers can have their say

"Political writing for grown-ups, well beyond the party political playpen... Europe's outstanding political and cultural monthly"

Andrew Marr, BBC Presenter and Political Commentator

"Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand what's happening, rather than having their prejudices confirmed. Prospect has all the important debates."

Diane Coyle, economist

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Basato su 39 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Fab Recensito 26 novembre 2012

One of the more objective and informed commentaries on affairs. A must read.
Recensito 07 settembre 2012

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Prospect Magazine March 25.

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