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No. 141 Real Calm

Altri articoli in questo numero

Meet three of the people who have taken part in the creation of this issue of Psychologies
Change is as good as a rest
Whether it’s to find your vocation (page 46) or upgrade
Let us know what you think of the magazine and, each month, we’ll publish the best letters
I’d like to thank…
We met as new students at university and bonded in
The Fix
” Wherever light is, no matter how weak, flowers will
Let’s get physical
Oliver Burkeman focuses on tiny changes with the biggest impact. This month, small active tricks to boost emotional resilience
Ask for help
Studies show most of us don’t like requesting assistance. Martha Roberts explores ways to get better at it
“It’s so necessary to focus on the light – it powers you through the dark”
Former wild child, respected film producer and all-round Hollywood sweetheart, Drew Barrymore, reveals how she overcame the heartbreak of divorce to find joy, comfort and peace, and why she believes laughter really is the best medicine
The 30-day creative challenge
Want to do something creative, but feel you never have time? Four busy women took a few minutes each day, over a month, to work on a chosen artform – with unexpected benefits
How to start a business on a budget
Bestselling author and entrepreneur, Sháá Wasmund MBE, explains why you don’t need thousands of pounds to set up your own business
Thomasina Miers
The chef, food writer and founder of Wahaca Mexican restaurants talks about what good food means to her, happiness and dealing with fear
Change in a partnership is inevitable, but how can you roll with it so your love thrives, not dies? Suzy Bashford gets expert help
In partnership with NOW Live Events, we’re offering two workshops, a one-day immersion and a new retreat. In May, coach Alastair Creamer will help you find work you love and, in June, join us for a chance to sing for your health!
“My home brings my heritage to life”
For designer Katja Behre, her light, heirloom-filled flat just minutes from the bustle of the city offers the ideal creative sanctuary
“Why can’t I stick to my goal?”
Our award-winning coach, Kim Morgan, helps a woman examine ways to set realistic targets in a sustainable way
“What should I do with my life?”
Finding the right career path can be difficult, whether you are starting out or are a seasoned professional. You might be asking the wrong questions, career coach Alastair Creamer tells Ellen Tout. Meanwhile, Martha Roberts explains why she has decided to go back to the drawing board with work
A second bite of the cherry
In her late 40s, Martha Roberts faces huge upheavals to her working life and a pressing need to save for retirement. Time for a complete rethink, with the help of career coach Tim Drake
One of the first organic brands on the market, Green
Double or broke
Ever stayed in a job you hate because the alternative may be worse? Or remained in a not-so-great relationship because you can’t bear the thought of walking away? You may be exhibiting symptoms of loss aversion, as Lizzie Enfield explains
Tailor-made therapy
Our new psychotherapy service helps you match up with your ideal therapist to support you through life’s ups and downs, and teach you to be your best self
”Our blended family doesn’t always get on”
Our agony aunt, Mary Fenwick, offers a new perspective on whatever is troubling you
‘‘Give me a break!’’
Thinking twice about booking that luxury hotel, or saving that road trip for someone special? Just do it, writes Harriet Minter. There’s no shame in going solo
The first cut is the deepest
Award-winning novelist, Lucy Atkins, says this month’s task is to let that initial draft flow freely, but be ready to hack it back when the time comes
The words
Always wanted to write a novel? Check in with our resident author, Lucy Atkins, who explains this month’s dos and don’ts of creating a first draft, plus we bring you our top book selection and other literary goodies…
When crisis strikes, how do you react? Do you fly into
When disaster strikes, no matter how many mindfulness meditations we’ve practised, it can often cause panic, despair and uncertainty. Anita Chaudhuri discovers real calm is a practice, rather than a state of being…
How to make a crisis work in your favour
Let’s face it, none of us are immune to the occasional setback, but knowing how to embrace the challenges can help us to keep calm and carry on, says Jeremy Stockwell
Can we incorporate a default state of calm into our lives, so that it becomes the foundation of our feelings? Lorna V has narrowed down five elements that have the power to boost your inner peace, from the latest book in our Psychologies series, Real Calm
Three people tell us how they dealt with crises, and created real opportunity and positivity in their lives…
We’ve all been there; everything’s going smoothly and then, bam, crisis hits. Whether it’s a family feud or a financial blow, that sense of panic can floor us. And, with everyday stress levels rising, too, having a toolkit for calm in our lives could be the key to our happiness…
Living with raised stress levels can become the new normal, and influence our health and wellbeing. Take our test to identify what you need to do to protect your quality of life and happiness, now and in the future…
The plan
Every month, the #360me team will be sharing our baby-steps approach to leading a healthier, happier life – expert-endorsed and real-life approved.
Q How can I keep a healthy scalp?
Trichological expert, Anabel Kingsley, tells us how to avoid dandruff and boost hair growth
And relax…
Eminé Rushton reveals a range of products that enhance with ease
Jody Shield
The inspirational speaker, meditation expert and author talks about changing careers, juggling priorities and learning to switch off
Throw away the rulebook
Committing to a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to impose strict rules on yourself. Ali Roff explains why it’s all about balance
Recover and get your life back
If addiction of any kind is having a negative effect on your life, find healing, peace and strength in a calming and supportive environment at Ibiza Calm’s countryside retreat
Sing for your health
Since joining her office choir, Anita Chaudhuri hasn’t looked back. She investigates a new study by the Royal College of Music and Imperial College London, with Tenovus Cancer Care, about the healing power of singing in a group, and urges us all to have a go
Q How can I protect my memory?
Each month, leading integrative health expert, Dr Andrew Weil, gives his definitive answer to a medical question
Anoint with oil
Nutritionist, Eve Kalinik, heralds the wonders of that delicious Mediterranean staple, olive oil
Our Thai adventure
Five years ago, Ivana Greslikova and her partner, Gianni, made the big leap to become full-time travel writers. Here, she talks about her love of Thailand and her passion for sustainable, mindful travel
Experience Thailand with meaning
From seeing rescued elephants up close to meeting minority tribes in more remote rural areas, ethical travel specialist Rickshaw Travel will show you the real Thailand
Does your home work for you? Combining practicality with aesthetics will enable you to create a beautiful, stylish space that fits in with your lifestyle
A hive of activity
As we edge into longer spring days and the early warmth of summer, food and nature writer, Paul Rushton, follows Weleda’s advice, taking lessons from their thriving biodynamic garden in Derbyshire, for his little allotment plot in Kent
Ghana be tasty
Cook Zoe Adjonyoh, author of Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen, introduces us to the culinary delights of West Africa RECIPES ZOE ADJONYOH PHOTOGRAPHS NASSIMA ROTHACKER EDITED BY DANIELLE WOODWARD
Improve children’s lives and change your own! Summer
This month, Vanessa King of Action for Happiness and author of the 10 Keys To Happier Living recommends The Power Of Meaning – Crafting A Life That Matters by Emily Esfahani Smith