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Raider Magazine Volume 6 issue 3 Edizione posteriore

8 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
All Good?

What an absolute pleasure it has been seeing our units returning early from Afghanistan to their families and loved ones. The pictures of husbands and wives being reunited with their families has certainly brought the odd lump to my throat, and it is wonderful seeing them return safe and sound.

On the same note though, there are still a significant number of our brave lads and lasses still there doing their job, day in, day out, and our thoughts and prayers must remain with them as the drawdown continues. History has shown in many conflicts that as troop numbers fall steadily the enemy may try to exploit this vacuum by making some kind of last ditch offensive.

Let us also not forget the indigenous troops and associated personnel that have stood shoulder to shoulder with the ISAF troops. They will now take the brunt of any such offensive; not only that but there is the chance that they will be vilified and persecuted for taking a stand.

Onwards with this latest issue though!

Once again this month we’ve worked closely with the photographers and contributors out there to bring you the very best that we can when it comes to military reporting, news, and reviews. We always try to work as closely as we can with our friends on the design and manufacture side so that we can bring you the very latest, as soon as we can. We also strive to work with those offering high quality training packages so that you’ll know where to look to better your “tactical toolbox”.

Whether you are a serving soldier, a professional civilian operator, or just someone with a keen interest in military and survival matters I hope that you will find something of interest here, and believe me that the Team and I will keep it coming right at you just as hard and as fast as we can!
Raider; eye on the target and boots on the ground!
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Volume 6 issue 3 All Good? What an absolute pleasure it has been seeing our units returning early from Afghanistan to their families and loved ones. The pictures of husbands and wives being reunited with their families has certainly brought the odd lump to my throat, and it is wonderful seeing them return safe and sound. On the same note though, there are still a significant number of our brave lads and lasses still there doing their job, day in, day out, and our thoughts and prayers must remain with them as the drawdown continues. History has shown in many conflicts that as troop numbers fall steadily the enemy may try to exploit this vacuum by making some kind of last ditch offensive. Let us also not forget the indigenous troops and associated personnel that have stood shoulder to shoulder with the ISAF troops. They will now take the brunt of any such offensive; not only that but there is the chance that they will be vilified and persecuted for taking a stand. Onwards with this latest issue though! Once again this month we’ve worked closely with the photographers and contributors out there to bring you the very best that we can when it comes to military reporting, news, and reviews. We always try to work as closely as we can with our friends on the design and manufacture side so that we can bring you the very latest, as soon as we can. We also strive to work with those offering high quality training packages so that you’ll know where to look to better your “tactical toolbox”. Whether you are a serving soldier, a professional civilian operator, or just someone with a keen interest in military and survival matters I hope that you will find something of interest here, and believe me that the Team and I will keep it coming right at you just as hard and as fast as we can! Raider; eye on the target and boots on the ground!

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Issue Cover

Raider  |  Volume 6 issue 3  

All Good?

What an absolute pleasure it has been seeing our units returning early from Afghanistan to their families and loved ones. The pictures of husbands and wives being reunited with their families has certainly brought the odd lump to my throat, and it is wonderful seeing them return safe and sound.

On the same note though, there are still a significant number of our brave lads and lasses still there doing their job, day in, day out, and our thoughts and prayers must remain with them as the drawdown continues. History has shown in many conflicts that as troop numbers fall steadily the enemy may try to exploit this vacuum by making some kind of last ditch offensive.

Let us also not forget the indigenous troops and associated personnel that have stood shoulder to shoulder with the ISAF troops. They will now take the brunt of any such offensive; not only that but there is the chance that they will be vilified and persecuted for taking a stand.

Onwards with this latest issue though!

Once again this month we’ve worked closely with the photographers and contributors out there to bring you the very best that we can when it comes to military reporting, news, and reviews. We always try to work as closely as we can with our friends on the design and manufacture side so that we can bring you the very latest, as soon as we can. We also strive to work with those offering high quality training packages so that you’ll know where to look to better your “tactical toolbox”.

Whether you are a serving soldier, a professional civilian operator, or just someone with a keen interest in military and survival matters I hope that you will find something of interest here, and believe me that the Team and I will keep it coming right at you just as hard and as fast as we can!
Raider; eye on the target and boots on the ground!
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Raider – The Magazine for the Alpha Male

For over six years, Raider Magazine has become a firm favourite with both military personnel and enthusiasts around the world. Since the launch of the magazine, the publishers of Raider have always listened to it's audience, providing them with well written, targeted and informative editorial content and features. However, as with every industry the dynamic are forever changing and with a change in dynamics comes a change in direction.

Whilst not completely discarding the magazine's military heritage, Raider has started to evolve; reacting to it’s readers demands, changing the editorial profile of Raider to become a more up to date and thought provoking publication with various new and exciting editorial features that explore the many interests of Raider’s vast readership. Whether you be a soldier, a tactical enthusiast or an alpha male, you'll be sure to find something in Raider for you!

Outdoor -Adrenalin -Tactical -Outdoor - Explore
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Basato su 8 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


very good Recensito 11 giugno 2020

Great Military Magazine

This is a great military mag, my only complaint is the amount of gear reviews, but for coverage of British and Western military, predominately European Army's this mag is the best there is. Recensito 01 ottobre 2018

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