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Scramble Magazine 414 - November 2013 Edizione posteriore

152 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
This month's edition features specials about:

- RNLAF NH90.. halfway through delivery
Although the NH90 programme suffers from many delays and bad publicity, the RNLAF has received ten of its twenty ordered helicopters since the first delivery in May 2010. Time for a review and a look into the future.

- Sea Breeze at Saki
From 8 until 20 July 2013, Ukraine hosted the 16th edition of exercise Sea Breeze in and around its territorial waters of the Black Sea, near Crimea. Sea Breeze started in 1997 as a bilateral training programme between Ukraine and the United States, and has grown to be the largest multinational naval, air and land exercise in the region. Enjoy this exclusive report.

- Aviation Day 2013
23 November will be the annual Aviation Day of the Dutch Aviation Society, held in Nieuwegein

Our monthly returning topics:
- Movements and trips Netherlands, Belgium + Rest of the World, civil and military.
- The latest news, both civil and military.
- Updates on the world's aircraft fleets, civil and military.
- Aircraft mishaps in Dustpan and Brush.
- Wrecks & Relics.
- Triptease
- Showreports
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Scramble Magazine

414 - November 2013 This month's edition features specials about: - RNLAF NH90.. halfway through delivery Although the NH90 programme suffers from many delays and bad publicity, the RNLAF has received ten of its twenty ordered helicopters since the first delivery in May 2010. Time for a review and a look into the future. - Sea Breeze at Saki From 8 until 20 July 2013, Ukraine hosted the 16th edition of exercise Sea Breeze in and around its territorial waters of the Black Sea, near Crimea. Sea Breeze started in 1997 as a bilateral training programme between Ukraine and the United States, and has grown to be the largest multinational naval, air and land exercise in the region. Enjoy this exclusive report. - Aviation Day 2013 23 November will be the annual Aviation Day of the Dutch Aviation Society, held in Nieuwegein Our monthly returning topics: - Movements and trips Netherlands, Belgium + Rest of the World, civil and military. - The latest news, both civil and military. - Updates on the world's aircraft fleets, civil and military. - Aircraft mishaps in Dustpan and Brush. - Wrecks & Relics. - Triptease - Showreports

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Issue Cover

Scramble Magazine  |  414 - November 2013  

This month's edition features specials about:

- RNLAF NH90.. halfway through delivery
Although the NH90 programme suffers from many delays and bad publicity, the RNLAF has received ten of its twenty ordered helicopters since the first delivery in May 2010. Time for a review and a look into the future.

- Sea Breeze at Saki
From 8 until 20 July 2013, Ukraine hosted the 16th edition of exercise Sea Breeze in and around its territorial waters of the Black Sea, near Crimea. Sea Breeze started in 1997 as a bilateral training programme between Ukraine and the United States, and has grown to be the largest multinational naval, air and land exercise in the region. Enjoy this exclusive report.

- Aviation Day 2013
23 November will be the annual Aviation Day of the Dutch Aviation Society, held in Nieuwegein

Our monthly returning topics:
- Movements and trips Netherlands, Belgium + Rest of the World, civil and military.
- The latest news, both civil and military.
- Updates on the world's aircraft fleets, civil and military.
- Aircraft mishaps in Dustpan and Brush.
- Wrecks & Relics.
- Triptease
- Showreports
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Basato su 152 Recensioni dei clienti
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Scramble Magazine

Best publication out there!! Recensito 10 marzo 2021

Scramble Magazine

Love the content always something of interest Recensito 09 marzo 2021

Scramble Magazine

Its an amazing publication! Recensito 09 marzo 2021

Scramble Magazine

Very complete and detailed information. Excellent articles and photographs. Recensito 10 maggio 2020

Scramble Magazine

Great magazine for both the civil and military aviation enthusiast. Recensito 06 maggio 2020

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