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Shooting Times & Country Magazine 30-Aug-2023 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Only €3,49
This week Simon and Will Garnham head out to decoy over oil seed rape stubbles and Simon K Barr joins Steve Hornady in Pakistan to see a markhor conservation scheme put into practice. Also, Graham Downing reviews the best budget knives whilst stalking muntjac, David Whitby asks why people get into keepering and Owen Williams on what the future holds for Welsh fieldsports. Don’t miss Bruce Potts’ Bergara Wilderness review and Cai ap Bryn cooking wild boar.
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Shooting Times & Country

30-Aug-2023 This week Simon and Will Garnham head out to decoy over oil seed rape stubbles and Simon K Barr joins Steve Hornady in Pakistan to see a markhor conservation scheme put into practice. Also, Graham Downing reviews the best budget knives whilst stalking muntjac, David Whitby asks why people get into keepering and Owen Williams on what the future holds for Welsh fieldsports. Don’t miss Bruce Potts’ Bergara Wilderness review and Cai ap Bryn cooking wild boar.

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Issue Cover

Shooting Times & Country  |  30-Aug-2023  

This week Simon and Will Garnham head out to decoy over oil seed rape stubbles and Simon K Barr joins Steve Hornady in Pakistan to see a markhor conservation scheme put into practice. Also, Graham Downing reviews the best budget knives whilst stalking muntjac, David Whitby asks why people get into keepering and Owen Williams on what the future holds for Welsh fieldsports. Don’t miss Bruce Potts’ Bergara Wilderness review and Cai ap Bryn cooking wild boar.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Since its launch in 1882, Shooting Times & Country Magazine has been at the forefront of the shooting scene. The magazine is the clear first choice for shooting sportsmen, with editorial covering all disciplines, including gameshooting, rough shooting, pigeon shooting, wildfowling and deer stalking. Additionally the magazine has a strong focus on the training and use of gundogs in the field and, because it is a weekly publication, the magazine keeps readers firmly up-to-date with the latest news in their world. Shooting Times & Country Magazine's involvement in its community includes attendance at many country fairs and acting as a voice within the countryside movement.

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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
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