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Ski Canada Magazine December 2014 Edizione posteriore

8 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Winter Sport)
Only €4,99
Vol 43 #3
Sun Peaks was the perfect mountain and host resort to test the best of this season’s skis.

The guides at Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing know a thing or two about choosing a great ski for the deep.


SCIENCE VS. AVALANCHES The International Snow Science Workshop brought the world to Banff to help make us safer in the backcountry. BY KEVIN HJERTAAS

50 SHADES OF WHITE Naughty or nice, LESLIE WOIT will whip your winter of 2015 into shape with some snowbound thrills.

THE ASPEN SHAKE STEVEN THRENDYLE finds his groove on Cloud Nine.

THE TREK TO TREMBLANT For 75 years the queen of the Laurentians has drawn skiers from near and far. BY OAKLAND ROSS

GOING GREY The expansion onto Grey Mountain has added some much-welcomed blues to Red. BY IAN MERRINGER

GRAND CANYONS One great resort showcased Utah’s well-deserved reputation. BY GEORGE KOCH

FAT CATS Island Lake Lodge’s culinary rep and posh digs are matched only by its skiing. BY IAN MERRINGER

BASHFUL CASTLE Some of the best skiing in the country goes unnoticed by the masses—and that’s just fine with RYAN STUART.

UN TRISTE ADIEU JP Auclair’s death in South America sent shockwaves throughout the world of skiing. BY STEVEN THRENDYLE
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Ski Canada

December 2014 Vol 43 #3 SKI CANADA TEST 2015 PART 3: EASY CRUISERS Sun Peaks was the perfect mountain and host resort to test the best of this season’s skis. PLAYING IN POWDER The guides at Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing know a thing or two about choosing a great ski for the deep. FEATURES SCIENCE VS. AVALANCHES The International Snow Science Workshop brought the world to Banff to help make us safer in the backcountry. BY KEVIN HJERTAAS 50 SHADES OF WHITE Naughty or nice, LESLIE WOIT will whip your winter of 2015 into shape with some snowbound thrills. THE ASPEN SHAKE STEVEN THRENDYLE finds his groove on Cloud Nine. THE TREK TO TREMBLANT For 75 years the queen of the Laurentians has drawn skiers from near and far. BY OAKLAND ROSS GOING GREY The expansion onto Grey Mountain has added some much-welcomed blues to Red. BY IAN MERRINGER GRAND CANYONS One great resort showcased Utah’s well-deserved reputation. BY GEORGE KOCH FAT CATS Island Lake Lodge’s culinary rep and posh digs are matched only by its skiing. BY IAN MERRINGER BASHFUL CASTLE Some of the best skiing in the country goes unnoticed by the masses—and that’s just fine with RYAN STUART. UN TRISTE ADIEU JP Auclair’s death in South America sent shockwaves throughout the world of skiing. BY STEVEN THRENDYLE

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Issue Cover

Ski Canada  |  December 2014  

Vol 43 #3
Sun Peaks was the perfect mountain and host resort to test the best of this season’s skis.

The guides at Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing know a thing or two about choosing a great ski for the deep.


SCIENCE VS. AVALANCHES The International Snow Science Workshop brought the world to Banff to help make us safer in the backcountry. BY KEVIN HJERTAAS

50 SHADES OF WHITE Naughty or nice, LESLIE WOIT will whip your winter of 2015 into shape with some snowbound thrills.

THE ASPEN SHAKE STEVEN THRENDYLE finds his groove on Cloud Nine.

THE TREK TO TREMBLANT For 75 years the queen of the Laurentians has drawn skiers from near and far. BY OAKLAND ROSS

GOING GREY The expansion onto Grey Mountain has added some much-welcomed blues to Red. BY IAN MERRINGER

GRAND CANYONS One great resort showcased Utah’s well-deserved reputation. BY GEORGE KOCH

FAT CATS Island Lake Lodge’s culinary rep and posh digs are matched only by its skiing. BY IAN MERRINGER

BASHFUL CASTLE Some of the best skiing in the country goes unnoticed by the masses—and that’s just fine with RYAN STUART.

UN TRISTE ADIEU JP Auclair’s death in South America sent shockwaves throughout the world of skiing. BY STEVEN THRENDYLE
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