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SuperBike South Africa Magazine October 2013 Edizione posteriore

3 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
Retro bikes are making their reappearance in a big way and people are literally going bonkers to get their hands on them, creating back orders with the importers that are a mile long. In keeping with this topic, we feature four hot new, er old bikes, too see if they’re more than recycled old tat. On a more adventurous note Clint, Thomas and Juan brave the infamous Pongola 500 on their KTM 690 Dakar converted machines and Natalie goes to Sun City to attend Harley on Safari which is HOG’s international rally, and includes members from as far abroad as Israel, America and Germany. Roland Brown goes large on the new MV F3 800 to test the “bigger engine generally makes a bike better” theory and finds out that it is easier to ride as well as faster and gruntier.
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SuperBike South Africa

October 2013 Retro bikes are making their reappearance in a big way and people are literally going bonkers to get their hands on them, creating back orders with the importers that are a mile long. In keeping with this topic, we feature four hot new, er old bikes, too see if they’re more than recycled old tat. On a more adventurous note Clint, Thomas and Juan brave the infamous Pongola 500 on their KTM 690 Dakar converted machines and Natalie goes to Sun City to attend Harley on Safari which is HOG’s international rally, and includes members from as far abroad as Israel, America and Germany. Roland Brown goes large on the new MV F3 800 to test the “bigger engine generally makes a bike better” theory and finds out that it is easier to ride as well as faster and gruntier.

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2,49 / issue
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Issue Cover

SuperBike South Africa  |  October 2013  

Retro bikes are making their reappearance in a big way and people are literally going bonkers to get their hands on them, creating back orders with the importers that are a mile long. In keeping with this topic, we feature four hot new, er old bikes, too see if they’re more than recycled old tat. On a more adventurous note Clint, Thomas and Juan brave the infamous Pongola 500 on their KTM 690 Dakar converted machines and Natalie goes to Sun City to attend Harley on Safari which is HOG’s international rally, and includes members from as far abroad as Israel, America and Germany. Roland Brown goes large on the new MV F3 800 to test the “bigger engine generally makes a bike better” theory and finds out that it is easier to ride as well as faster and gruntier.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Packed with local content Superbike South Arfica includes a wealth of features and articles such as first rides, new safety gear, motorcycle related products, technical articles, technical questions and answers, maintenance, comprehensive motorcycle tests and various lifestyle related articles. Unique to this publication is a fully comprehensive buyer’s guide which makes your life so much simpler when looking for that special machine, allowing you to compare prices and all the different specifications. Between us our team has a wealth of riding experience and we are passionate about all things motorcycling. SuperBike SA also uses various freelance journalists in order to bring you different and varied perspectives from some of South Africa’s most famous, or infamous, celebrities. Although the name SuperBike suggests that we only report back on superbikes, we actually cover all motorcycles and focus especially on Adventure bikes and Cruisers which are growing segments in our country. SuperBike Magazine is your one stop shop for everything that you need to know about the world of motorcycles.

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Basato su 3 Recensioni dei clienti
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South Africa’s super bike scene! Recensito 07 luglio 2019

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SuperBike South Africa February 2020 February 2020 Acquista per €1,19 Vista | Al carrello
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SuperBike South Africa August 2019 August 2019 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
SuperBike South Africa July 2019 July 2019 Acquista per €2,49 Vista | Al carrello
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