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Total 911 Magazine Issue 240 Edizione posteriore

36 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Dive into the 50-year legacy of the iconic 911 Turbo with a comprehensive buyer's guide. Witness the extreme transformation of a 911 into a Dakar vs GT3 RS beast. Get an exclusive look at the highly anticipated 992S Four Halo Models before its glorious release. Discover the indelible mark left by Mr. Weissach on Porsche. Pay tribute to the legendary Herbert Linge and relive the triumphs of the super-successful 991 RSR. Explore the rising values of the Porsche 964 and gain insights from real-world owner reports.
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Total 911

Issue 240 Dive into the 50-year legacy of the iconic 911 Turbo with a comprehensive buyer's guide. Witness the extreme transformation of a 911 into a Dakar vs GT3 RS beast. Get an exclusive look at the highly anticipated 992S Four Halo Models before its glorious release. Discover the indelible mark left by Mr. Weissach on Porsche. Pay tribute to the legendary Herbert Linge and relive the triumphs of the super-successful 991 RSR. Explore the rising values of the Porsche 964 and gain insights from real-world owner reports.

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Issue Cover

Total 911  |  Issue 240  

Dive into the 50-year legacy of the iconic 911 Turbo with a comprehensive buyer's guide. Witness the extreme transformation of a 911 into a Dakar vs GT3 RS beast. Get an exclusive look at the highly anticipated 992S Four Halo Models before its glorious release. Discover the indelible mark left by Mr. Weissach on Porsche. Pay tribute to the legendary Herbert Linge and relive the triumphs of the super-successful 991 RSR. Explore the rising values of the Porsche 964 and gain insights from real-world owner reports.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Total 911 is the world's only magazine dedicated to the Porsche 911, the iconic sports car with more than half a century of heritage and excellence to its name. All models of 911 are covered, from the sought-after classics to today's incredible supercars.

Produced by true Porsche enthusiasts, Total 911 immerses you in the 911 world, with road tests on new models as well as the rarest Porsche exotica from all over the world, great drives, technical advice, exclusive interviews, respected columnists, news and comment, and much more. Each issue also includes an invaluable Datafile containing key details of every 911 ever built.

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Basato su 36 Recensioni dei clienti
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Total 911

Been reading the print edition since issue 17 and I picked up the earlier issues on CD. I love the great photography and the clear and often clever storytelling that all good writing demonstrates.

There are only two negatives that I can think of. One, there seems to be some danger in focusing on only the 911. Could such a narrow focus lead you to not see other trends in the market? Sort of like Morgan still using the ash frame. While Ferrari's performance improves by leaps and bounds, the 911 gets its meager 20 to 30 HP bump.

Two, the mags must be shipped on a slow boat to China as they are at least a month past their sell-by date when they finally arrive at my local bookstore here halfway between the homes of your contributors Ron Lang and Ben Przekop.
Recensito 12 luglio 2020

Total 911

The greatest Porsche magazine for a decade and a half.
Keep up the great job!
Recensito 16 marzo 2020

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