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Total Carp Magazine Carp Bait – Food for Thought FREE TASTER Edizione speciale

60 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Only €0
This 16-page free taster edition will give you a taste of what’s inside the full 116-page bookazine and, just like the carp, you’ll be hungry for more!

Over the years there have been massive changes in all aspects of carp fishing. Tackle, in particular, has improved immensely and as technology progresses that will continue to be the case. Bait, however, remains the single most important aspect of successful carp fishing. Some might say that’s a rash statement, but put simply if the carp don’t want to eat your bait, how can you catch them?

Boilies are without a doubt one of the most effective fish catchers and since their invention back in the mid-1970s they have changed the way most of us fish for carp forever. In the full version of the bookazine we have boilies covered, but we also look at other alternative bait approaches that deliver results, from hempseed, pellets, stick mixes, naturals through to maggots and tiger nuts – we look at the complete bait picture.

The full version of the bookazine features some of the top UK anglers, icluding Ian Chilcott, Danny Fairbrass, Adam Penning, Dave Lane, Ian Russell and Nick Helleur, plus many, many more!
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Total Carp

Carp Bait – Food for Thought FREE TASTER This 16-page free taster edition will give you a taste of what’s inside the full 116-page bookazine and, just like the carp, you’ll be hungry for more! Over the years there have been massive changes in all aspects of carp fishing. Tackle, in particular, has improved immensely and as technology progresses that will continue to be the case. Bait, however, remains the single most important aspect of successful carp fishing. Some might say that’s a rash statement, but put simply if the carp don’t want to eat your bait, how can you catch them? Boilies are without a doubt one of the most effective fish catchers and since their invention back in the mid-1970s they have changed the way most of us fish for carp forever. In the full version of the bookazine we have boilies covered, but we also look at other alternative bait approaches that deliver results, from hempseed, pellets, stick mixes, naturals through to maggots and tiger nuts – we look at the complete bait picture. The full version of the bookazine features some of the top UK anglers, icluding Ian Chilcott, Danny Fairbrass, Adam Penning, Dave Lane, Ian Russell and Nick Helleur, plus many, many more!

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Issue Cover

Total Carp  |  Carp Bait – Food for Thought FREE TASTER  

This 16-page free taster edition will give you a taste of what’s inside the full 116-page bookazine and, just like the carp, you’ll be hungry for more!

Over the years there have been massive changes in all aspects of carp fishing. Tackle, in particular, has improved immensely and as technology progresses that will continue to be the case. Bait, however, remains the single most important aspect of successful carp fishing. Some might say that’s a rash statement, but put simply if the carp don’t want to eat your bait, how can you catch them?

Boilies are without a doubt one of the most effective fish catchers and since their invention back in the mid-1970s they have changed the way most of us fish for carp forever. In the full version of the bookazine we have boilies covered, but we also look at other alternative bait approaches that deliver results, from hempseed, pellets, stick mixes, naturals through to maggots and tiger nuts – we look at the complete bait picture.

The full version of the bookazine features some of the top UK anglers, icluding Ian Chilcott, Danny Fairbrass, Adam Penning, Dave Lane, Ian Russell and Nick Helleur, plus many, many more!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The UK's biggest-selling carp magazine.
If you are new to carp fishing or simply want to improve and catch more carp, there is only one magazine for you – Total Carp.
The UK leads the world in carp fishing methods and bait creation, but a carp is a carp worldwide. This monthly magazine features all the latest tackle, tactics and recipes to ensure that you catch more carp wherever you live.
This title is published by David Hall Publishing Ltd.

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Basato su 60 Recensioni dei clienti
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Total Carp

Make all the competitions/prizes open to Overseas subscribers Recensito 11 dicembre 2020

Total Carp

Great read Recensito 16 ottobre 2020

Best by far!

A cracking read and I just caught up and bought a couple of missed issues. Delighted - will recommend. Recensito 20 febbraio 2013

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