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Western Angler Magazine Feb/Mar 16 Edizione posteriore

3 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Only €7,99
The best of WA fishing is in the February-March Western Angler – WA's only magazine dedicated to recreational fishing and now in its 31st year.
On the cover is an acrobatic metro salmon.
Jamie Chester looks at the 2015 salmon run and wonders what this year will bring.
Andrew McNaboe offers an insight into Pilbara creek fishing, with Scott Coghlan looking at some of WA’s best flats fishing options.
Darryl Hitchen returns to Thevenard Island to see what 2016 is likely to bring when the popular fishing destination reopens for business.
In his first piece for WAngler, Daniel Coughlan has some tips to get people into fishing with hard-bodied lures for black bream.
Andrew ‘Korg’ Jarvis takes the Travelling Angler to England for an insight into impoundment fishing.
There’s also a look at prized permit, Kalbarri’s unexpected bonefish, the black bass of Papua New Guinea, a remarkable kayak capture and the Abrolhos Islands.
Throw in some fantastic giveaways, product reviews and Western Angler Next Gen updates and you’ve got plenty of great reading!
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Western Angler

Feb/Mar 16 The best of WA fishing is in the February-March Western Angler – WA's only magazine dedicated to recreational fishing and now in its 31st year. On the cover is an acrobatic metro salmon. Jamie Chester looks at the 2015 salmon run and wonders what this year will bring. Andrew McNaboe offers an insight into Pilbara creek fishing, with Scott Coghlan looking at some of WA’s best flats fishing options. Darryl Hitchen returns to Thevenard Island to see what 2016 is likely to bring when the popular fishing destination reopens for business. In his first piece for WAngler, Daniel Coughlan has some tips to get people into fishing with hard-bodied lures for black bream. Andrew ‘Korg’ Jarvis takes the Travelling Angler to England for an insight into impoundment fishing. There’s also a look at prized permit, Kalbarri’s unexpected bonefish, the black bass of Papua New Guinea, a remarkable kayak capture and the Abrolhos Islands. Throw in some fantastic giveaways, product reviews and Western Angler Next Gen updates and you’ve got plenty of great reading!

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Issue Cover

Western Angler  |  Feb/Mar 16  

The best of WA fishing is in the February-March Western Angler – WA's only magazine dedicated to recreational fishing and now in its 31st year.
On the cover is an acrobatic metro salmon.
Jamie Chester looks at the 2015 salmon run and wonders what this year will bring.
Andrew McNaboe offers an insight into Pilbara creek fishing, with Scott Coghlan looking at some of WA’s best flats fishing options.
Darryl Hitchen returns to Thevenard Island to see what 2016 is likely to bring when the popular fishing destination reopens for business.
In his first piece for WAngler, Daniel Coughlan has some tips to get people into fishing with hard-bodied lures for black bream.
Andrew ‘Korg’ Jarvis takes the Travelling Angler to England for an insight into impoundment fishing.
There’s also a look at prized permit, Kalbarri’s unexpected bonefish, the black bass of Papua New Guinea, a remarkable kayak capture and the Abrolhos Islands.
Throw in some fantastic giveaways, product reviews and Western Angler Next Gen updates and you’ve got plenty of great reading!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Established in 1985, Western Angler is Western Australia’s longest running and best fishing magazine. It contains features and columns on everything fishing from WA and beyond. With the very best fishing tactics, tips, stories and techniques. Expert boat and gear reviews, stunning fishing photography and some of Australia’s best fishing writers.

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Basato su 3 Recensioni dei clienti
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