CreakyJoints is a US online community founded in 1999 to support and advocate for people with arthritis. It is a branch of the non-profit Global Healthy Living Foundation. Manager of editorial services Leah Rockett is looking for ‘some talented and experienced health writers to help create content’. Pay is $300-$400 per post. You can pitch via https:// about/contact-us/ but it is better to direct message Leah @LRocketto
The shortlist for this year’s Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize is: Girls Like Us, Julie Bull; The Anatomist’s Wife, Charlotte Wightwick; The Mirador, Sally Skinner; Nobody’s Wife, Elena Casas; The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye, Briony Cameron, and The Messenger, Megan Davis.The winner was announced on 27 May, after WM went to press.
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