Lens Magazine  |  January 2023. The 100th Issue.
Thank you for joining us on this long publishing 100 magazines journey, a truly incredible journey, and we thank you for being part of it! You are our inspiration!
In this 100th edition of Lens Magazine, we are honored to feature an exclusive interview with an outstanding, internationally acclaimed photographer, Nick Ut, the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, World Press Photo, the Lucie Awards, and the National Medal of Arts. This interview was done by Jose Jeuland during Leica's Celebration of Photography exhibition in Singapore.
More you will find fantastic photographers from around the globe featuring their special projects, including the one and only Mark Edward Harris, who exhibits his touching project ' War on the Innocents' and puts under the lens the horrible effect of war on wild animals in Ukraine. France Leclerc is featuring the documentary project focused on the Mundari people. Vicky Martin is exhibiting a unique project of a self-portrait series. Mick Stetson features a project dedicated to the Ghost Villages, where the traditions are in a transition stage, and Aga Szydlik is focused on the Lesotho Kingdom. All of these and so much more by outstanding photographers! Enjoy!
Featured photographers:
Nick Ut . Mark Edward Harris and Zuma Press. Anastasia Riechyn | Recommending on Saal Digital. France Leclerc. Vicky Martin. Mick Stetson. Mika Moret. Julien Sunye. Aga Szydlik. Pygmalion Karatzas. Eric Kaltenmark.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Lens Magazine January 2023. The 100th Issue. .