Mortons Books  |  Legendary Locomotives
There was a time when every ground-breaking or record-breaking feat by a new-type locomotive would see the footplate crew, designer and the machine itself feted as heroes.
Names such as City of Truro, Mallard and arguably the most famous of them all, Flying Scotsman, were known in every household up and down the country and provided a source of ready inspiration to generations. These, and others, were the locomotives that shaped the modern world.
In Legendary Locomotives, author Robin Jones selects a line-up of the world’s very finest engines – those locomotives that stand head and shoulders above the rest – and explains why they can now truly be regarded as legends.
Among the engines featured are the Stourbridge Lion, the fabulous Fairlies, Royal Scot, Stepney, Clun Castle, Tornado and more.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Mortons Books Legendary Locomotives.