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Aviation Specials Magazine Airliner Classics 5 Vorige editie

46 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Brought to you by the industry-renowned team behind Airliner World. this latest edition of the best-selling Airliner Classics series turns the clock back once again to bring you the best from the classic years of aviation, over 100 high-quality pages.

Features include:

British Aerospace 146 – a look at the development of the Whisper Jet, Britain’s last domestically produced jetliner.

Silver City – how this pioneering carrier provided more than just a simple car ferry service.

Duxford Airliners – the most comprehensive and important collection of British Civil Airliners in the UK.

Airspeed Ambassador – a twin-engined piston airliner that helped regenerate passenger transport in the UK during the 1950s.

Tupolev Tu-144 – developed to rival Concorde, we chronicle the turbulent history of Russia’s supersonic jet transport.

Liverpool Airport – a detailed overview of Merseyside’s air hub.

SABENA - the rise and fall of Belgium’s former national airline on what would have been its 90th anniversary.

and much more!
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Aviation Specials

Airliner Classics 5 Brought to you by the industry-renowned team behind Airliner World. this latest edition of the best-selling Airliner Classics series turns the clock back once again to bring you the best from the classic years of aviation, over 100 high-quality pages. Features include: British Aerospace 146 – a look at the development of the Whisper Jet, Britain’s last domestically produced jetliner. Silver City – how this pioneering carrier provided more than just a simple car ferry service. Duxford Airliners – the most comprehensive and important collection of British Civil Airliners in the UK. Airspeed Ambassador – a twin-engined piston airliner that helped regenerate passenger transport in the UK during the 1950s. Tupolev Tu-144 – developed to rival Concorde, we chronicle the turbulent history of Russia’s supersonic jet transport. Liverpool Airport – a detailed overview of Merseyside’s air hub. SABENA - the rise and fall of Belgium’s former national airline on what would have been its 90th anniversary. and much more!

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Aviation Specials issue Airliner Classics 5

Aviation Specials  |  Airliner Classics 5  

Brought to you by the industry-renowned team behind Airliner World. this latest edition of the best-selling Airliner Classics series turns the clock back once again to bring you the best from the classic years of aviation, over 100 high-quality pages.

Features include:

British Aerospace 146 – a look at the development of the Whisper Jet, Britain’s last domestically produced jetliner.

Silver City – how this pioneering carrier provided more than just a simple car ferry service.

Duxford Airliners – the most comprehensive and important collection of British Civil Airliners in the UK.

Airspeed Ambassador – a twin-engined piston airliner that helped regenerate passenger transport in the UK during the 1950s.

Tupolev Tu-144 – developed to rival Concorde, we chronicle the turbulent history of Russia’s supersonic jet transport.

Liverpool Airport – a detailed overview of Merseyside’s air hub.

SABENA - the rise and fall of Belgium’s former national airline on what would have been its 90th anniversary.

and much more!
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Key’s Aviation Special Magazines – Essential reading from the teams behind your favourite aviation magazines!

Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher, you can purchase and read all the latest Book-a-zines and Aviation Specials in one handy app. Purchase issues here at Pocketmags or via the App for Apple and Android - click the Available On links to download.

Subjects covered include:

• Historic military aviation - special magazines celebrating iconic aircraft such as the Spitfire, Hurricane, Mosquito, Vulcan bomber and the acclaimed RAF Salute series and specials on the Battle of Britain and the RAF 90th anniversary.

• Historic commercial aviation - download and read the entire best-selling Airliner Classics series written by the Airliner World editorial team.

• Modern military aviation and aerospace – read aviation specials covering air forces and services from around the world. Titles include official RAF yearbooks, UK and US Navy Airpower specials, Air Combat and aerospace chronologies including 100 years of British Flight, Great Fighters of the World and our Space special celebrating 50 years of human space flight.

• Flight Simulation – read the essential guides to maximising your enjoyment of your hobby, includes the Beginners Guide and Airliners special issues.

“HORNBY” and ‘’AIRFIX’’ are registered trade marks of Hornby Hobbies Limited and are used under licence.

Please note: The Flight Simulation Special digital versions do not include access to the CD ROM files received with the print editions.

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

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Gebaseerd op 46 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Aviation Specials

great magazine Beoordeeld op 27 november 2020

Aviation Specials

very detailed and comprehensive
a collection encompasing all the specials ( avaiation anthology ) should be made for sale as a complete collection
Beoordeeld op 05 september 2020

Aviation Specials

Very interesting and with a lot of good information Beoordeeld op 22 juli 2020

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