Business First Magazine | Aug/Sept 2016
In this issue we analyse some of the effects from both Brexit and the Federal election, including what the Brexit decision means for long term markets and how it affects the global economy . . . and whether Mr Turnbull will follow through on his call to make Australia the innovation nation.
On the cover of this issue is Daniel Davis, whose Gallop Solutions is at the forefront of leading business change. Daniel offers up 8 Questions That Will Change Your Business Forever.
Stuart Smith MD of Shelston IP talks to Business First about innovation, patent protection and the possible rise of more home-grown patents. According to Arthur J Gallagher, risk management is as important as balancing the budget and should be written into a business plan on immediate registration.
In other features of this issue Craig Anderson MD of Symmetry HR discusses his philosophy towards recruiting, Darren Wooley analyses the change to marketing practices, Leigh Hartog lets us in on JK Williams’ family cultural values, Recon Solutions’ Steve Scanlan talks recruiting and Steve Targett gives us the lowdown on QT Mutual Bank. How to build a 100% owned city within a city, just ask Jandakot who have done just that in Perth.
From protecting your IP to finding the right staff, we have it all covered in this issue. Sit back, relax and enjoy the read.
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Artikelen in deze editie
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