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Business First Magazine July/August 2017 Vorige editie

1 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Business)
Welcome to the new financial year and another edition of Business First. Now is the time many businesses will hit the reset button, set their FY18 budgets and look at ways to improve relationships, bottom lines, internal structures and overall performance.

All of this happens despite political, economic and social uncertainties that many of the world's best analysts believe will continue well into the future. The best thing businesses can do in these times is focus on their business and we hope we can give you the tips and advice to narrow that focus to something that will guide you on your journey.

Enjoy the read and look forward to FY18 being highly successful.
Business First Magazine Preview PagesBusiness First Magazine Preview Pages

Business First Magazine

July/August 2017 Welcome to the new financial year and another edition of Business First. Now is the time many businesses will hit the reset button, set their FY18 budgets and look at ways to improve relationships, bottom lines, internal structures and overall performance. All of this happens despite political, economic and social uncertainties that many of the world's best analysts believe will continue well into the future. The best thing businesses can do in these times is focus on their business and we hope we can give you the tips and advice to narrow that focus to something that will guide you on your journey. Enjoy the read and look forward to FY18 being highly successful.

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Gebaseerd op 1 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Great business magazine

Great magazine, would recommend it to anyone serious about business, covers a great bunch of topics and love those executive interviews business first does. I purchased a subscription for my colleague and she loves it as well!!! Beoordeeld op 14 april 2016
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