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Cannabis Now Magazine Issue 18 Vorige editie

7 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
Editor’s Note p.07
Political Update p.10
Sun Moon and Star Grown p.18
Shark Attack: The glass art of Niko Cray p.20
Growing Happy Girls p.26
PTSD – The Incomplete Story p.32
The Racial Divide: A look at discriminatory policing in the cannabis industry p.37
Ganja Globetrotters: A guide to low-profile cannabis locales around the world p.43
Jamaica – The Rhythm of Change p.46
The Cannabis Now Interview with Melissa Etheridge p.50
The $100 Billion Industry: America’s next top industry could be just around the corner p.58
High Society – The Future of Cannabis Functions p.62
Strain Review: Blackberry Kush p.64
The Gold Seal of Approval p.68
Top 25 Cannabusinesses of 2015 p.74
Mendo Dope – A New Strain of Sound p.80
Stay Slim with Sativa p.86
Dispensary Profile: Oregon’s Finest p.89
Book Review: Stoned – A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana p.90
Film Review: Rolling Papers p.90
Model Material – Building with Hempcrete p. 97
Edibles: Cannabis Courses – More Herb, Please p.100
Pot for Pets: Medical Cannabis Holds Promise for Ailing Animals p.108
CannaNative: Opportunities for Sovereign Nations to Create a Cannabis Banking System p.112
2016 Cannabis Events p.114
Access to Underserved: The Challenges of Accessing Medicine p.116
Cannabis Conversations: Tips For Talking to Kids About Cannabis p.118
Winter Gift Guide p.120
The United States of Prohibition: History Set to Repeat Itself p.124
Cannabis Now Preview PagesCannabis Now Preview Pages

Cannabis Now

Issue 18 Editor’s Note p.07 Political Update p.10 Sun Moon and Star Grown p.18 Shark Attack: The glass art of Niko Cray p.20 Growing Happy Girls p.26 PTSD – The Incomplete Story p.32 The Racial Divide: A look at discriminatory policing in the cannabis industry p.37 Ganja Globetrotters: A guide to low-profile cannabis locales around the world p.43 Jamaica – The Rhythm of Change p.46 The Cannabis Now Interview with Melissa Etheridge p.50 The $100 Billion Industry: America’s next top industry could be just around the corner p.58 High Society – The Future of Cannabis Functions p.62 Strain Review: Blackberry Kush p.64 The Gold Seal of Approval p.68 Top 25 Cannabusinesses of 2015 p.74 Mendo Dope – A New Strain of Sound p.80 Stay Slim with Sativa p.86 Dispensary Profile: Oregon’s Finest p.89 Book Review: Stoned – A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana p.90 Film Review: Rolling Papers p.90 Model Material – Building with Hempcrete p. 97 Edibles: Cannabis Courses – More Herb, Please p.100 Pot for Pets: Medical Cannabis Holds Promise for Ailing Animals p.108 CannaNative: Opportunities for Sovereign Nations to Create a Cannabis Banking System p.112 2016 Cannabis Events p.114 Access to Underserved: The Challenges of Accessing Medicine p.116 Cannabis Conversations: Tips For Talking to Kids About Cannabis p.118 Winter Gift Guide p.120 The United States of Prohibition: History Set to Repeat Itself p.124

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