Cannabis Now | Issue 18
Editor’s Note p.07
Political Update p.10
Sun Moon and Star Grown p.18
Shark Attack: The glass art of Niko Cray p.20
Growing Happy Girls p.26
PTSD – The Incomplete Story p.32
The Racial Divide: A look at discriminatory policing in the cannabis industry p.37
Ganja Globetrotters: A guide to low-profile cannabis locales around the world p.43
Jamaica – The Rhythm of Change p.46
The Cannabis Now Interview with Melissa Etheridge p.50
The $100 Billion Industry: America’s next top industry could be just around the corner p.58
High Society – The Future of Cannabis Functions p.62
Strain Review: Blackberry Kush p.64
The Gold Seal of Approval p.68
Top 25 Cannabusinesses of 2015 p.74
Mendo Dope – A New Strain of Sound p.80
Stay Slim with Sativa p.86
Dispensary Profile: Oregon’s Finest p.89
Book Review: Stoned – A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana p.90
Film Review: Rolling Papers p.90
Model Material – Building with Hempcrete p. 97
Edibles: Cannabis Courses – More Herb, Please p.100
Pot for Pets: Medical Cannabis Holds Promise for Ailing Animals p.108
CannaNative: Opportunities for Sovereign Nations to Create a Cannabis Banking System p.112
2016 Cannabis Events p.114
Access to Underserved: The Challenges of Accessing Medicine p.116
Cannabis Conversations: Tips For Talking to Kids About Cannabis p.118
Winter Gift Guide p.120
The United States of Prohibition: History Set to Repeat Itself p.124
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