Dogs Life  |  Jul/Aug Issue#138
DOGSLIfe 138 is our winter care special, packed with top tips to keep your pooch healthy this season. From arthritis to exercising indoors, we have a whole range of fabulous features to keep you entertained (and your dog from going stir-crazy). Of course, that’s not all we have in store. This issue sees our team explore the alternative options to breed-specific legislation — could Canada be onto a good thing? We also define the line between loving your pet and endangering your health — are you at risk of being too in love with your hound? Plus we learn more about the Akita, Whippet, Fox Terrier and more!
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• Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
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• Je zult nooit een editie missen
• Je bent beschermd tegen prijsstijgingen die later in het jaar kunnen plaatsvinden
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Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Dogs Life Jul/Aug Issue#138.