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Probeer een Gratis monster

FlyPast Magazine November 2024 Vorige editie

222 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €6,99
Proudly adorning the cover of a special 148-page FlyPast November 2024 issue is one of the world’s most awe-inspiring aircraft – the incredible Martin Mars flying boat which recently flew into retirement at Canada’s British Columbia Aviation Museum. We spoke to the people behind the venture that has seen this giant preserved in an appropriate setting - an ambitious undertaking and a fitting finale for an aviation colossus

In a special section of this extended edition, we profile several fighter ‘aces’, ranging from the Great War to the jet age, and including the Spitfire king - the late AVM ‘Johnnie’ Johnson - with exclusive colour artwork from Andy Hay and others

New T-6 Harvard pilot Megan Bowden shares her thoughts on taking the controls of World War Two’s most famous trainer

Ian McLachlan relays the story of an RAF Mosquito that failed to return from operational duties over the North Sea in 1944

An honest and sometimes humorous account by Rod Dean looking back at some hair-raising exercises in Jaguars over Nevada

Over 48 hours, chaos reigned for Grumman Wildcat pilots taking on the Vichy French over North Africa, as Thomas McKelvey Cleaver reveals
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November 2024 LIFE ON MARS Proudly adorning the cover of a special 148-page FlyPast November 2024 issue is one of the world’s most awe-inspiring aircraft – the incredible Martin Mars flying boat which recently flew into retirement at Canada’s British Columbia Aviation Museum. We spoke to the people behind the venture that has seen this giant preserved in an appropriate setting - an ambitious undertaking and a fitting finale for an aviation colossus ACES AND THEIR AIRCRAFT In a special section of this extended edition, we profile several fighter ‘aces’, ranging from the Great War to the jet age, and including the Spitfire king - the late AVM ‘Johnnie’ Johnson - with exclusive colour artwork from Andy Hay and others GOING SOLO New T-6 Harvard pilot Megan Bowden shares her thoughts on taking the controls of World War Two’s most famous trainer MOSQUITO MISSING Ian McLachlan relays the story of an RAF Mosquito that failed to return from operational duties over the North Sea in 1944 RED FLAG JAGS An honest and sometimes humorous account by Rod Dean looking back at some hair-raising exercises in Jaguars over Nevada WILDCATS OVER CASABLANCA Over 48 hours, chaos reigned for Grumman Wildcat pilots taking on the Vichy French over North Africa, as Thomas McKelvey Cleaver reveals

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6,99 / issue
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Gebaseerd op 222 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Digital subscription for Flypast magazine

I have purchased the Flypast magazine for many years and generally as a hard copy. However, for the last couple of years l have subscribed annually to the digital version and now read on my iPad.
The magazine is great and I always find the content interesting and varied and never bored with the topics covered. Whilst previously enjoying the hard copy l am now a devoted digital subscriber and would recommend this version. On the downside you miss out on add ons such as calendars etc.
Beoordeeld op 24 november 2021


Read it for decades ! Beoordeeld op 21 januari 2021


I have been an avid reader since the early 80's and you are still the best Beoordeeld op 07 januari 2021


best European aviation news, but not on US developments Beoordeeld op 14 december 2020


More letters would be good if you get enough of them Beoordeeld op 15 november 2020
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Probeer een Gratis monster van FlyPast
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