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History of War Bookazine History of War Battle of the Bulge Fourth Edition Vorige editie

0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
As the winter of 1944 tightened its icy grip across Europe, Nazi Germany found itself surrounded by powerful enemies intent on seizing Berlin and crushing the Third Reich once and for all. Yet, despite its precarious situation, Germany was far from defeated, and Hitler knew it. Clinging to one last shred of hope, he devised an audacious plan to strike at the Allies in the West in a bid to drive a wedge between them and turn the tide of the war in Germany’s favour. Summoning thousands of men and machines, Hitler’s commanders prepared to unleash one final assault, an onslaught that would catch the Allies off guard and remind the world that if Germany was to be beaten, many more people would have to perish first. The Battle of the Bulge would prove to be a vicious struggle to the end.
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History of War Bookazine

History of War Battle of the Bulge Fourth Edition As the winter of 1944 tightened its icy grip across Europe, Nazi Germany found itself surrounded by powerful enemies intent on seizing Berlin and crushing the Third Reich once and for all. Yet, despite its precarious situation, Germany was far from defeated, and Hitler knew it. Clinging to one last shred of hope, he devised an audacious plan to strike at the Allies in the West in a bid to drive a wedge between them and turn the tide of the war in Germany’s favour. Summoning thousands of men and machines, Hitler’s commanders prepared to unleash one final assault, an onslaught that would catch the Allies off guard and remind the world that if Germany was to be beaten, many more people would have to perish first. The Battle of the Bulge would prove to be a vicious struggle to the end.

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