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Majesty Magazine

12 edities per jaar   |  English
116 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
From €3,33 per uitgave
For 40 years Majesty magazine has been bringing its readers all they need to know about the royal families of the world. Each issue contains knowledgeable features and beautiful photographs, with news and views on the personalities, lifestyles, fashions and homes of royals past and present.

From the births of princes and princesses to the fairy-tale royal weddings and jubilee celebrations, Majesty provides the full story. Intimate interviews with royalty and those who know them well offer a unique insight into their far-from-ordinary lives.
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Majesty Magazine

March 2025 In our March 2025 issue: SEVENTY NOT OUT: Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence will celebrate a landmark birthday this month, as Aurora Pfaff explains THE REBEL ROMANOV: Incomparable Julie of Saxe- Coburg, the empress Russia never had, by royal biographer Helen Rappaport CITY OF DEATH: The awe-inspiring final resting place of generations of the House of Orange, by Trond Norén Isaksen SACRED DUTY: The King travels to Auschwitz in Poland for an emotional Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration, by Joe Little FASHION ON PARADE: A preview of two stylish Historic Royal Palaces exhibitions ahead of their opening, by Lucinda Gosling SILVER LININGS: The eternally optimistic princess who coped with a difficult childhood and world war hardships TRUTH & ACCOUNTABILITY: A successful outcome for Prince Harry in his latest legal battle, though his days in court are not over just yet AUNT LOUISE: The Queen of Sweden who, given the choice, would have preferred a life of relative obscurity, by Coryne Hall And much more besides!

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Issue Cover

Majesty Magazine  |  March 2025  

In our March 2025 issue:

SEVENTY NOT OUT: Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence will celebrate a landmark birthday this month, as Aurora Pfaff explains

THE REBEL ROMANOV: Incomparable Julie of Saxe- Coburg, the empress Russia never had, by royal biographer Helen Rappaport

CITY OF DEATH: The awe-inspiring final resting place of generations of the House of Orange, by Trond Norén Isaksen

SACRED DUTY: The King travels to Auschwitz in Poland for an emotional Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration, by Joe Little

FASHION ON PARADE: A preview of two stylish Historic Royal Palaces exhibitions ahead of their opening, by Lucinda Gosling

SILVER LININGS: The eternally optimistic princess who coped with a difficult childhood and world war hardships

TRUTH & ACCOUNTABILITY: A successful outcome for Prince Harry in his latest legal battle, though his days in court are not over just yet

AUNT LOUISE: The Queen of Sweden who, given the choice, would have preferred a life of relative obscurity, by Coryne Hall

And much more besides!
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For 40 years Majesty magazine has been bringing its readers all they need to know about the royal families of the world. Each issue contains knowledgeable features and beautiful photographs, with news and views on the personalities, lifestyles, fashions and homes of royals past and present.

From the births of princes and princesses to the fairy-tale royal weddings and jubilee celebrations, Majesty provides the full story. Intimate interviews with royalty and those who know them well offer a unique insight into their far-from-ordinary lives.

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Gebaseerd op 116 Beoordelingen van klanten
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Great photography

Essential magazine for all of those who are a fan of the royal family Beoordeeld op 12 april 2022

Majesty Magazine

KI love Majesty Magazine, and I look eagerly forward to each issue. Then I read it cover to cover. Not only do I enjoy currant updates of the Royal family, but also the articles of members and events that are part of the Royals of Europe , and the connections to current members/ I had always wished I could have a long chat with Prince Phillips about his historic life. RIP Sir, I will miss reading about you. Beoordeeld op 20 mei 2021

Majesty Magazine

cI love Majesty Magazine. I have been reading it for over 20 years now. Beoordeeld op 05 oktober 2020

Majesty Magazine

I've read Majesty for many years and have always appreciated it's high standards of reporting and production. Beoordeeld op 14 september 2020

If you love the Royals you will love Majesty

If you love the Royals you will love Majesty, I read this mag and I admin the British Monarchist League website. Beoordeeld op 26 oktober 2018

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